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UT2004 :: Object >> Actor >> FluidSurfaceOscillator


A fluid surface oscilator is an actor used to create ripples or waves at a point of origin on a FluidSurfaceInfo sheet, rather than having ambient ripples over a whole water surface. The speed that the ripples travel, and the rate at which they die out, are governed by the FluidSurfaceInfo actor. The FluidSurfaceOscillator is like a mechanical plunger moving up and down at a point on the surface.



FluidSurfaceInfo FluidInfo 
Which FluidSurfaceInfo sheet to affect.
float Frequency 
The rate of wave production.
byte Phase
The wave offset.
float Strength 
The force applied to the fluid surface.
float Radius 
Determines the area affected by the oscillator.


float OscTime (transient, const) 


Increasing the Frequency and keeping Strength the same results in smaller-height waves.

NOTE: The Radius property does not NOT need to be big enough to cover the fluid surface and it does NOT limit the extent of the wave effect on the fluid surface.

Radius seems to determine the area of the fluid surface that is directly driven by the FluidSurfaceOscillator. Ripples can propagate beyond that distance, and indeed it's better if they

do as they look more natural that way.

The affected radius can be viewed by right-clicking on the top bar of any viewport, and selecting Actors -> Radii view.


SuperApe: Is it possible that the smaller wave height resulting from the conditions mentioned in the Frequency note is actually due to the limits on the resolution of the Fluid Surface?

Sweavo:I don't think it was a graphical artifact that I was seeing. It looks like Strength is actually modelled as a force, so at higher frequencies the force is applied for less time in each direction, resulting in lower ripples. Actually, that makes so much sense, I'm changing the definition above!