Worst-case scenario: the UEd Goblin wipes the map and burns down your house.
Legacy:GameInfo (DX)
From Unreal Wiki, The Unreal Engine Documentation Site
default game info is normal single player
Differences from UT[edit]
- bVeryLowGore is not globalconfig in DX
- DX doesn't have bExternalBatcher() property
- DX doesn't have MessageMutator()
- EnabledMutators is global in UT, local to GetRules() function in DX.
- UT's AdminLogout() function has new stuff
- DX doesn't do stuff if Admin password is empty string, don't know why
- UT's GetInfo() function has new stuff for WorldLogging, DX doesn't
- GetRules() function in DX, looks like it always does the mutator looping, EnabledMutators isn't defined outside of the function
- Login() event slightly different
- AddDefaultInventory() a little different
- Killed() function changed
- no RegisterMessageMutator() function in DX
- PickupQuery changed in UT (no Mutator stuff in DX)
- UT adds new stuff to AllowsBroadcast() function
- Endgame() function different, DX has no mutator stuff here
- usual differences in defaultproperties, but IPPolicies looks very different (an array in UT, not in DX?)