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UT2003 :: Actor >> HUD (Package: Engine)

The base class of all HUD (Heads Up Display) classes.

Also see HUD (UT).


GlobalConfig Properties

bool bHideHUD
bool bMessageBeep
bool bShowWeaponInfo
bool bShowPersonalInfo
bool bShowPoints
bool bShowWeaponBar
bool bCrosshairShow
bool bShowPortrait
float HudScale
Global Scale for all widgets
float HudOpacity
make everything transparent
float HudCanvasScale
Specifies amount of screen-space to use (for TV's).
int CrosshairStyle
float CrosshairScale
float CrosshairOpacity
color CrossHairColor
int ConsoleMessageCount
int ConsoleFontSize
int MessageFontOffset
bool bNoEnemyNames

Other Properties

PlayerController PlayerOwner
Pawn PawnOwner
PlayerReplicationInfo PawnOwnerPRI
Console PlayerConsole
ScoreBoard ScoreBoard
ScoreBoard LocalStatsScreen
Actor VoteMenu
hook for mod authors
color WhiteColor, RedColor, GreenColor, CyanColor, BlueColor, GoldColor, PurpleColor, TurqColor, GrayColor
bool bShowVoteMenu
bool bShowScoreBoard
Display current score-board instead of Hud elements
bool bShowDebugInfo
if true, show properties of current ViewTarget
bool bShowBadConnectionAlert
Display indication of bad connection
bool bBuiltMOTD
Set to true when the MOTD has been set
bool bShowLocalStats
Color ConsoleColor
string ProgressFontName (localized)
Font ProgressFontFont
string OverrideConsoleFontName (localized)
Font OverrideConsoleFont
float ProgressFadeTime
Color MOTDColor
float ResScaleX, ResScaleY (transient)
The current screen resolution divided by 640 by 480. It is updated at the beginning of the hud's PostRender from Canvas.SizeX and Canvas.SizeY.
ConsoleMessage TextMessages[8]
float ConsoleMessagePosX, ConsoleMessagePosY
string FontArrayNames[9] (localized)
Font FontArrayFonts[9]
int FontScreenWidthMedium[9]
int FontScreenWidthSmall[9]
string MOTD[4]
Holds the expanded MOTD Lines
int MOTDState



string Text
color TextColor
float MessageLife
PlayerReplicationInfo PRI


Inherited From Actor

PostBeginPlay ( )
Destroyed ( )
Reset ( )

Native Functions

Draw3DLine (vector Start, vector End, color LineColor) (final)
Draws a line in world space. Should be used when engine calls RenderWorldOverlays() event.

Empty Functions

CreateKeyMenus ( )
CheckCountdown (GameReplicationInfo GRI)
GetLocalStatsScreen ( )
DrawInstructionGfx (Canvas C)
SetInstructionText (string text)
SetInstructionKeyText (string text)
DrawHud (Canvas C)
DrawSpectatingHud (Canvas C)
bool DrawLevelAction (Canvas C)
DisplayBadConnectionAlert (Canvas C)
Warn user about connection problems.
LocalizedMessage (class<LocalMessage> Message, optional int Switch, optional PlayerReplicationInfo RelatedPRI_1, optional PlayerReplicationInfo RelatedPRI_2, optional Object OptionalObject, optional string CriticalString)
DisplayPortrait (PlayerReplicationInfo PRI)
SetTargeting (bool bShow, optional vector TargetLocation, optional float Size)
DrawCrosshair (Canvas C)
Should draw the crosshair.
SetCropping (bool Active)
DrawTargeting (Canvas C)

Exec Functions

ShowScores ( )
Toggles the scoreboard on/off.
ShowStats ( )
Toggles local stats on/off.
NextStats ( )
ShowDebug ( )
Toggles debug information on/off.
ShowHud ( )
Toggles the HUD on/off.
GrowHUD ( )
Makes the HUD larger.
ShrinkHUD ( )
Makes the HUD smaller.

Static Functions

Font LoadFontStatic (int i)
Font GetConsoleFont (Canvas C)
Font GetMediumFontFor (Canvas Canvas)
Font LargerFontThan (Font aFont)

Other Functions

PostRender (Canvas Canvas)
Called after rendering world geometry. This is the place where the HUD is actually drawn. Note: DrawHud will only be called if the player is no spectator and has a pawn, otherwise DrawSpectatingHud is called instead. So if you want to draw your hud without your player having a pawn (for example for a RTS type of view), you have to overwrite this function.

Known Subclasses

 +- CinematicHud
 +- HudBase
     +- HudBDeathMatch
         +- HudBTeamDeathMatch
             +- HudBBombingRun
             +- HudBCaptureTheFlag
             +- HudBDoubleDomination
     +- HudCDeathMatch (UT2004 only)
         +- HudBTeamDeathMatch
             +- HudCBombingRun
             +- HudCCaptureTheFlag
             +- HudCDoubleDomination
             +- HudInvasion
             +- Hud_Assault
             +- ONSHUDOnslaught

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