From Unreal Wiki, The Unreal Engine Documentation Site
The base class of all HUD (Heads Up Display) classes.
Also see HUD (UT).
GlobalConfig Properties
- bool bHideHUD
- bool bMessageBeep
- bool bShowWeaponInfo
- bool bShowPersonalInfo
- bool bShowPoints
- bool bShowWeaponBar
- bool bCrosshairShow
- bool bShowPortrait
- float HudScale
- Global Scale for all widgets
- float HudOpacity
- make everything transparent
- float HudCanvasScale
- Specifies amount of screen-space to use (for TV's).
- int CrosshairStyle
- float CrosshairScale
- float CrosshairOpacity
- color CrossHairColor
- int ConsoleMessageCount
- int ConsoleFontSize
- int MessageFontOffset
- bool bNoEnemyNames
Other Properties
- PlayerController PlayerOwner
- Pawn PawnOwner
- PlayerReplicationInfo PawnOwnerPRI
- Console PlayerConsole
- ScoreBoard ScoreBoard
- ScoreBoard LocalStatsScreen
- Actor VoteMenu
- hook for mod authors
- color WhiteColor, RedColor, GreenColor, CyanColor, BlueColor, GoldColor, PurpleColor, TurqColor, GrayColor
- bool bShowVoteMenu
- bool bShowScoreBoard
- Display current score-board instead of Hud elements
- bool bShowDebugInfo
- if true, show properties of current ViewTarget
- bool bShowBadConnectionAlert
- Display indication of bad connection
- bool bBuiltMOTD
- Set to true when the MOTD has been set
- bool bShowLocalStats
- Color ConsoleColor
- string ProgressFontName (localized)
- Font ProgressFontFont
- string OverrideConsoleFontName (localized)
- Font OverrideConsoleFont
- float ProgressFadeTime
- Color MOTDColor
- float ResScaleX, ResScaleY (transient)
- The current screen resolution divided by 640 by 480. It is updated at the beginning of the hud's PostRender from Canvas.SizeX and Canvas.SizeY.
- ConsoleMessage TextMessages[8]
- float ConsoleMessagePosX, ConsoleMessagePosY
- DP_LowerLeft
- string FontArrayNames[9] (localized)
- Font FontArrayFonts[9]
- int FontScreenWidthMedium[9]
- int FontScreenWidthSmall[9]
- string MOTD[4]
- Holds the expanded MOTD Lines
- int MOTDState
- string Text
- color TextColor
- float MessageLife
- PlayerReplicationInfo PRI
Inherited From Actor
- PostBeginPlay ( )
- Destroyed ( )
- Reset ( )
Native Functions
- Draw3DLine (vector Start, vector End, color LineColor) (final)
- Draws a line in world space. Should be used when engine calls RenderWorldOverlays() event.
Empty Functions
- CreateKeyMenus ( )
- CheckCountdown (GameReplicationInfo GRI)
- GetLocalStatsScreen ( )
- DrawInstructionGfx (Canvas C)
- SetInstructionText (string text)
- SetInstructionKeyText (string text)
- DrawHud (Canvas C)
- DrawSpectatingHud (Canvas C)
- bool DrawLevelAction (Canvas C)
- DisplayBadConnectionAlert (Canvas C)
- Warn user about connection problems.
- LocalizedMessage (class<LocalMessage> Message, optional int Switch, optional PlayerReplicationInfo RelatedPRI_1, optional PlayerReplicationInfo RelatedPRI_2, optional Object OptionalObject, optional string CriticalString)
- DisplayPortrait (PlayerReplicationInfo PRI)
- SetTargeting (bool bShow, optional vector TargetLocation, optional float Size)
- DrawCrosshair (Canvas C)
- Should draw the crosshair.
- SetCropping (bool Active)
- DrawTargeting (Canvas C)
Exec Functions
- ShowScores ( )
- Toggles the scoreboard on/off.
- ShowStats ( )
- Toggles local stats on/off.
- NextStats ( )
- ShowDebug ( )
- Toggles debug information on/off.
- ShowHud ( )
- Toggles the HUD on/off.
- GrowHUD ( )
- Makes the HUD larger.
- ShrinkHUD ( )
- Makes the HUD smaller.
Static Functions
- Font LoadFontStatic (int i)
- Font GetConsoleFont (Canvas C)
- Font GetMediumFontFor (Canvas Canvas)
- Font LargerFontThan (Font aFont)
Other Functions
- PostRender (Canvas Canvas)
- Called after rendering world geometry. This is the place where the HUD is actually drawn. Note: DrawHud will only be called if the player is no spectator and has a pawn, otherwise DrawSpectatingHud is called instead. So if you want to draw your hud without your player having a pawn (for example for a RTS type of view), you have to overwrite this function.
Known Subclasses
HUD +- CinematicHud +- HudBase +- HudBDeathMatch +- HudBTeamDeathMatch +- HudBBombingRun +- HudBCaptureTheFlag +- HudBDoubleDomination +- HudCDeathMatch (UT2004 only) +- HudBTeamDeathMatch +- HudCBombingRun +- HudCCaptureTheFlag +- HudCDoubleDomination +- HudInvasion +- Hud_Assault +- ONSHUDOnslaught