Cogito, ergo sum
From Unreal Wiki, The Unreal Engine Documentation Site
UT2003 :: ... >> KConstraint >> KCarWheelJoint
This appears to be the axle joint used by the Bulldog vehicle.
- bool bKSteeringLocked
- steering 'locked' in straight ahead direction
- float KBraking
- torque applied to brake wheel
- float KMaxSpeed
- max speed to try and reach using KMotorTorque (65535 = 1 rotation per second)
- float KMaxSteerSpeed
- for steering controller (65535 = 1 rotation per second)
- float KMaxSteerTorque
- for steering controller
- float KMotorTorque
- torque applied to drive this wheel (can be negative)
- float KProportionalGap
- for steering controller (65535 = 360 deg)
- float KSteerAngle
- desired steering angle to achieve using controller (65535 = 360 deg)
- float KSuspDamping
- float KSuspHighLimit
- float KSuspLowLimit
- float KSuspRef
- float KSuspStiffness
- float KWheelHeight
- height of wheel relative to suspension centre