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Revision as of 19:14, 19 May 2009 by LiKeMiKeS (Talk | contribs) (I'm currently working on some special effects:)

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LiKeMiKeS Here,[edit]

I'm currently working on some special effects:[edit]

Legacy Button Trouble.jpeg
Click >> to view.

Which require the use of the texture blending features of UED 3, I seem to be at a loss - as I cannot find any related content reguarding the config buttons not showing up or disappearing after trying to use them.

My only conclusion would be that I may need to update or reinstall my VB libraries, I'm using XP Pro on an Intel cpu.

Any suggestions would be appreciated!

Thnx in advance! :P

OK! I was using larger than normal 'Fonts' in my current XP theme, so I returned them to normal and that fixed it!

New Effect: Security Mirror:[edit]

Legacy My Security Mirror.jpeg
Click >> to view.

So far its only being used by the local machine, without server code so it doesn't create any lag for other players - but then they also don't see your reflection - only their's.

It's my 'Security Mirror', which is on a curved surface - and currently only shows players in 'behindview' mode since the engine doesn't draw the player model locally while in FP mode(still working on a mixed 3rd/1st person view to show player model). I have managed to get the image to display correctly, I just haven't replaced the images here yet.

The only shapes I'm using so far are from spheres:
1) half/quarter..for a corner floor/ceiling
2) quarter.......for a hallway ceiling/wall corner
3) half..........& a ceiling

I also have plans to use other shapes like the shield on the shield gun for a focused viewable area effect, to zoom into say down a hallway from an odd angle.

Since these mirrors can be scoped in on to view activity in otherwise hidden areas from the player, they can be aware of other players in that area that they wouldn't normally be able to see.

I'm going to use my effect for a number other uses like, realistic crystals, glassware, and other simulated frame buffer optical effects.

Custom Gravity Problem:[edit]

At the moment I'm having trouble with altering the direction of 'gravity' volumes being used on a rotating Space Station Map I've been doing.

Any suggestions would be helpful!

MythOpus: Just thought I'd mention that the Wiki page system is case-sensitive so when you login as "Likemikes", clicking on your username won't bring you to this page. To solve that, you'll need to either switch user pages or start logging in as "LiKeMiKeS"

LiKeMiKeS: Oops! when I have more time I'll fix that! I usually use a link anyway, but yeah other ppl would have to do a search to find my page!

Thnx! I just changed my username in the preferences and that worked!