Always snap to grid
From Unreal Wiki, The Unreal Engine Documentation Site
Revision as of 05:53, 3 November 2007 by (Talk)
LiKeMiKeS here,
I'm currently working on some special effects:
Which require the use of the texture blending features of UED 3, I seem to be at a loss - as I cannot find any related content reguarding the config buttons not showing up or disappearing after trying to use them.
My only conclusion would be that I may need to update or reinstall my VB libraries, I'm using XP Pro on an Intel cpu.
Any suggestions would be appreciated!
Thnx in advance! :P
MythOpus: Just thought I'd mention that the Wiki page system is case-sensitive so when you login as "Likemikes", clicking on your username won't bring you to this page. To solve that, you'll need to either switch user pages or start logging in as "LiKeMiKeS"