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Legacy:Mapping Lessons

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This page is for tutorials aimed at beginners with no mapping experience.

Editing in Unreal 3[edit]

These tutorials are strictly for use with UT3. Mapping is similar previous versions of the engine, but there are a some differences.

  1. UT3 Whats New, Whats not – Getting ready to map for UT3

A first functional map in unreal tournament 3.[edit]

Please note that the new unreal editor is quite similar to the old one. Which means that if you have experience with the old one, you will quickly get the hang of this. Also this means that tutorials for UT04/03 will sometimes help for UT3. If you follow these steps you will learn the editor and have a basic map ready in no time :P

  1. Creating a Space - The most basic part.
  2. Adding a Brick - The other Figures.
  3. Creating Light - Unless you want to play in the dark.

More will be coming, plus they still need some fixing.

A first functional map[edit]

This is a sequence of tutorial pages which will guide you through the steps in making a simple map that you'll be able play in the game. The emphasis is on getting things done: concepts are explained briefly but can be skipped, and there are links to other parts of the wiki for further reading. Each tutorial will give the link to the next page.

Though this may seem like a lot to learn before being able to do anything, you will have a map that you can play in-game after the third lesson. The first few lessons should only take a few minutes to complete.

  1. Subtract A Space - the first step to another world
  2. Place a Light and build the lighting so you can see
  3. Place a Playerstart so you can Playtest the map
  4. Apply Texture to a surface
  5. Place a Pickup - adding weapons and other items
  6. Adding a Block - adding a cube to your subtracted space
  7. Creating a Terrain - creating organic ground
  8. Adding Sunlight - let there be (sun)light
  9. Building A SkyBox - creating the distant "background"
  10. Add A Static Mesh - adding complex decoration

After you've got the basics, you might want to check out the Topics On Mapping page.

From there, check out Learn the Tools which covers many common problems you may encounter.

Note that different gametypes present different map requirements. See the Gametype page for help regarding these requirements. See Map File Prefix for the appropriate file prefix for your map.

Acidsphinx's journal into UT3[edit]

An incomplete set of tutorials and guides.

Acidsphinx's Journal into UT3

External Links[edit]

Related Topics[edit]

Category:Legacy Mapping

Category:Legacy Tutorial

Category:Legacy To Do - Cleanup and revision.