Legacy:Movement Metrics (UT2004)

From Unreal Wiki, The Unreal Engine Documentation Site

Distances that the player in UT2004 can jump or dodge. All units are UU.

Many of these have been determined with the help of the Jump Stats feature in Multi Dodging 2k4 v3 (written by Wormbo), which displays statistics about the distances heights and speeds gained during gameplay. (Make sure you disable everything but the "Gather movement stats" option.)


Jump from the ground
Dodge from the ground
Double Jump (just the mid-air jump that can be performed at the apex of a jump or dodge)
Wall Dodge
Impact Jump
Impact Dodge (like Impact Jump, but instead of the jump a dodge is performed)
Impact Wall Dodge (a wall dodge boosted by the shield gun)

Moves that include dodging can be performed from standing still or running. Values here list standing dodges first, followed by values for a dodge performed orthogonally to the running direction.

Moves that include walldodging can be performed by jumping upwards without moving horizontally and then dodging away from the wall (listed as first value) or by jumping along the wall and dodging 45° away from it in the same direction as the jump. (listed as second value)

Height differences between standing and moving dodges might be an inaccuracy in the jump stats mutator.

Jump Without Any Modification

The following values have been gathered without any speed/jump modifying additions, i.e. default gravity, no adrenaline combos and no physics-altering mutators.

Without Shield Gun

Move Height Distance Notes
J 54 UU 315 UU
D 19 / 20 UU 292 / 351 UU
J, DJ 126 UU 608 UU
D, DJ 90 / 91 UU 742 / 857 UU
J, DJ, WD 149 / 143 UU 516 / 965 UU
J, WD, DJ 150 / 145 UU 787 / 1047 UU

Shield Gun Jumps

Shield Gun aimed straight down for maximum height
Move Height Distance Notes
IJ 455 UU 878 UU
ID 270 / ??? UU 1051 / ???? UU
IJ, DJ 513 UU 1104 UU
ID, DJ 347 / ??? UU 1392 / ???? UU
IJ, DJ, WD 533 / ??? UU 861 / ???? UU
IJ, WD, DJ 513 / ??? UU 1139 / ???? UU
Shield Gun aimed 45° down on ground or at a wall for maximum distance
Move Height Distance Notes
IJ 302 UU 1342 UU
ID 200 / ??? UU 1302 / ???? UU
IJ, DJ 422 UU 1745 UU
ID, DJ 288 / ??? UU 1818 / ???? UU
J, IWD, DJ 307 / ??? UU 1537 / ???? UU
J, DJ, IWD 353 / ??? UU 2004 / ???? UU

With The Speed Combo

Without Shield Gun

Move Height Distance Notes
J 130 UU 675 UU
D 21 / 21 UU 419 / 495 UU
J, DJ 279 UU 1228 UU
D, DJ 170 / 172 UU 1333 / 1587 UU
J, DJ, WD 303 / 300 UU 962 / 1648 UU
J, WD, DJ 306 / 301 UU 1504 / 1999 UU I don't think I pulled the long one off the best way, yet.

Shield Gun Jumps

Shield Gun aimed straight down for maximum height
Move Height Distance Notes
IJ 326 UU 1048 UU
ID 258 / ??? UU 1461 / ???? UU
IJ, DJ 479 UU 1571 UU
ID, DJ 430 / ??? UU 2241 / ???? UU
IJ, DJ, WD 507 / ??? UU 1181 / ???? UU
IJ, WD, DJ 505 / ??? UU 1755 / ???? UU
Shield Gun aimed 45° down on ground or at a wall for maximum distance
Move Height Distance Notes
IJ 461 UU 2392 UU
ID 171 / ??? UU 1642 / ???? UU
IJ, DJ 451 UU 2395 UU
ID, DJ 369 / ??? UU 2728 / ???? UU
J, IWD, DJ 419 / ??? UU 2144 / ???? UU Could be done way better.
J, DJ, IWD 417 / ??? UU 2943 / ???? UU I gave up while testing this one. (was the last thing to test) Values way over 3000 UU are definately possible here.

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