MultiSkyBox makes multiple skyboxes possible in a single map.
More information and download: Slick Willy's Custom Scripts
Created by SlickWilly.
Quick Tutorial
- Set up multiple skyboxes for your map with a SkyZoneInfo actor in each skybox.
- Set up Zones for each area that will view a different skybox. (only one per zone)
- Create a subclass of ZoneInfo in MyLevel called "MultiSkyboxZoneInfo"
- Remove the default code, insert the code seen on the MultiSkyboxZoneInfo page.
- Compile it.
- Place a MultiSkyboxZoneInfo actor in each zone. (Idiot proof note: Do not place the multiskyboxzoneinfo actor in the skybox zone itself!)
- Set some unique name to both MultiSkyBoxZoneInfo -> event and SkyZoneInfo -> Tag.
Related Topics
Tester: I made some parts of the quick tutorial clearer ;)
<unknown> Has anyone figured this thing out? Maybe they could write a tute for us less technically abled...:D
inio: That looks like a classic UT component. For UT2003 I have a working rig in my StupidSkyboxTricks map, that also does scaled skybox movement. In 2k3 you can't have zones with different skyboxes visible at once though, it'll cause problems. That's why the zoning setup in that map is so funky.
SuperApe: I've been looking for something like this. Of course, it on the wiki. :D Looks pretty straight forward. Edit: with quick tut that I haven't tested yet.
Cup Of Squirrels: Hmm I can't seem to get the actor to save when I compile. Am I doing something wrong?
MythOpus: Well if you're talking about an error when you try to compile it, try taking out the numbes on the left hand side of the code. I don't think the compiler likes those there.
Category:Legacy Custom Class (UT2003)
Category:Legacy To Do – That StupidSkyBoxTricks map, if the link works, should get its own page, and this page be relegated to just being Category Broken Links.