Legacy talk:MultiSkyBox
Tester: I made some parts of the quick tutorial clearer ;)
<unknown> Has anyone figured this thing out? Maybe they could write a tute for us less technically abled...:D
inio: That looks like a classic UT component. For UT2003 I have a working rig in my StupidSkyboxTricks map, that also does scaled skybox movement. In 2k3 you can't have zones with different skyboxes visible at once though, it'll cause problems. That's why the zoning setup in that map is so funky.
SuperApe: I've been looking for something like this. Of course, it on the wiki. :D Looks pretty straight forward. Edit: with quick tut that I haven't tested yet.
Cup Of Squirrels: Hmm I can't seem to get the actor to save when I compile. Am I doing something wrong?
MythOpus: Well if you're talking about an error when you try to compile it, try taking out the numbes on the left hand side of the code. I don't think the compiler likes those there.
Che Both codes work for me, but only for 2 different skyboxes :( If i try to use a third skybox for a third terrain, the first terrain always shows the sky of the third skybox. Anyone got a solution to fix this?
- What "codes" do you mean? Keep in mind that from any location in your map only exactly one skybox can be visible, and that's the skybox associated to the zone you're looking from. No matter which implementation you use, they are all the same in that regard as it's an engine limitation.—Wormbo 13:15, 11 April 2010 (UTC)