I'm a doctor, not a mechanic
From Unreal Wiki, The Unreal Engine Documentation Site
The base class for hovering vehicles. Extend this class to get a hovering Vehicle. This class is not the Manta. The Manta is a subclass called ONSHoverBike. This class holds all the functionality for a hovering vehicle.
- array<vector> ThrusterOffsets
- An array holding where the thrusters are located.
- float HoverSoftness
- float HoverPenScale
- float HoverCheckDist
- float UprightStiffness
- float UprightDamping
- float MaxThrustForce
- float LongDamping
- float MaxStrafeForce
- float LatDamping
- float MaxRiseForce
- The max rate that this vehicle can rise upwards.
- float Updamping
- float TurnTorqueFactor
- float TurnTorqueMax
- float TurnDamping
- float MaxYawRate
- The maximum rate this vehicle can turn.
- float PitchTorqueFactor
- float PitchTorqueMax
- float PitchDamping
- float RollTorqueTurnFactor
- float RollTorqueStrafeFactor
- float RollTorqueMax
- float RollDamping
- float StopThreshold
- float MaxRandForce
- float RandForceInterval
- float HoverMPH
- float TargetHeading
- float TargetPitch
- bool bHeadingInitialized
- float OutputThrust
- float OutputStrafe
- Pawn OldDriver
- HoverCrafteState HoverState
- The current hover state.
- HoverCraftState OldHoverState
- The previous hover state.
- KRigidBodyState ChassisState
- The state the chassis is in.
- bool bNewHoverState
- If true, the ChassisState needs to be updated.
Holds information on the properties of the HoverCraft
- vector ChassisPosition
- The position of the body of the vehicle.
- Quat ChassisQuaternion
- vector ChassisLinVel
- The linear velocity of the body.
- vector ChassisAngVel
- byte ServerThrust
- byte ServerStrafe
- int ServerViewPitch
- int serverViewYaw
- simulated bool KUpdateState(out KRigidBodyState newState)
- Returns true if state is updated, false otherwise.
- simulated SVehicleUpdateParams()
- Updates KarmaParams to settings of HoverCraft (such as HoverCheckDist).
- simulated PostNetBeginPlay()
- Spawns the repulsors.
- Died(Controller Killer, class<DamageType> damageType, vector HitLocation)
- Destroys repulsors.
- simulated SpecialCalcFirstPersonView(PlayerController PC, out actor ViewActor, out vector CameraLocation, out rotator CameraRotation)
bFollowLookDir=True bCanHover=True bPCRelativeFPRotation=False
Known Subclasses[edit]
ONSHoverCraft +-ONSHoverBike