Always snap to grid
Legacy:Object (UT)
Object, the root class. All other classes are more or less directly derived from Object.
Object is the parent class of all objects in the Unreal Engine. All of the functions in the Object class are accessible everywhere, because everything derives from Object. Object is an abstract base class, in that it doesn't do anything useful. All functionality is provided by subclasses, such as Texture (UT) (a texture map), TextBuffer (a chunk of text), Class (which describes the class of other objects) or Actor (UT) (basically everything you can see in Unreal/UT levels).
The UnrealScript compiler insists that you specify "extends Object
" if you're extending Object, i.e. it does not implicitly extend the Object class if you forget to add it.
See Object for the UT2003 version of this class.
- name Name (native, const, editconst)
- The name of this object. The string representation of this value is the same like the last part of the object's string representation.
- class Class (native, const, editconst)
- The class of this object. (The class of e.g. class'Botpack.Enforcer' is class'Core.Class', the class of an actual Enforcer actor is class'Botpack.Enforcer'.)
- int ObjectInternal[6] (native, private, const)
- Object Outer (native, const)
- This object's parent object, i.e. the object which "contains" this object.
- int ObjectFlags (native, const)
- Pi = 3.1415926535897932
- Ratio of the diameter of a circle to its circumference
- MaxInt = 0x7fffffff = 2147483647
- Maximum possible integer value. Minimum integer:
~MaxInt = 0x80000000 = -2147483648
Used for the ObjectFlags property:
- RF_Transactional = 0x00000001
- Object supports editor undo/redo.
- RF_Public = 0x00000004
- Object can be referenced by external package files.
- RF_Transient = 0x00004000
- Object can't be saved or loaded.
- RF_NotForClient = 0x00100000
- Don't load the object for game client.
- RF_NotForServer = 0x00200000
- Don't load the object for game server.
- RF_NotForEdit = 0x00400000
- Don't load the object for editor.
- SHEER_None
The Object class contains the declarations for the global functions and operators you can use in UnrealScript.
There are some other important function declarations in the Object class:
- BeginState ( )
- Called when executing the GotoState method right after the object's state has changed.
- EndState ( )
- Called by GotoState right before the state changes. This will also be called when an Actor's Destroy method is used.
Note that states can only be used in subclasses of Actor (UT) and Console.
Known UnrealScript Subclasses[edit]
Object (UT) +- Actor (UT) >> (expanded on Actor Class Hierarchy (UT)) +- Bitmap | +- Texture (UT) | +- FractalTexture | | +- FireTexture | | +- IceTexture | | +- WaterTexture | | +- WaveTexture | | +- WetTexture | +- ScriptedTexture (UT) +- BrushBuilder | +- Conebuilder | +- CubeBuilder | +- CurvedStairBuilder | +- CylinderBuilder | +- LinearStairBuilder | +- SheetBuilder | +- SpiralStairBuilder | +- TerrainBuilder | +- TetrahedronBuilder | +- VolumetricBuilder +- Canvas (UT) +- Commandlet | +- HelloWorldComandlet | +- SimpleCommandlet +- Console | +- WindowConsole | +- UBrowserConsole | +- UnrealConsole | +- TournamentConsole | +- UTConsole +- LevelSummary (UT) +- ListItem +- Locale – not implemented +- Palette +- Player (UT) +- RenderIterator +- Subsystem | +- Engine | +- EditorEngine +- TestObj +- Time – not implemented +- UTExtraKeyBindings +- UWindowBase >> +- WebApplication | +- HelloWeb | +- ImageServer | | +- UTImageServer | +- UTServerAdmin +- WebRequest +- WebResponse