Worst-case scenario: the UEd Goblin wipes the map and burns down your house.


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Postal 2 :: Actor >> DamageType >> P2Damage (Package: BaseFX)

Postal 2's version of the DamageType actor.


bool bCanKill
Most things default to true, but some things like windows are false
bool bNoKillPlayers
Defaults to false. If true, it will kill NPCs if necessary but not players
bool bMeleeDamage
Damage dealt by melee weapons such as foot, shovel, etc.
bool bAllowZThrow
Allows momentum to throw someone up in the air
bool bIgnoreTeams
Hurts people regardless of being on the same team or not. This has no effect in versions 1409 and higher, as it was disabled to prevent team-killers from invading servers and wreaking havoc.

Known Subclasses

+- AnthDamage
|  +- ChemDamage
+- BloodMakingDamage
|  +- BloodNoKillDamage
|  +- BludgeonDamage
|  |  +- BatonDamage
|  |  +- CuttingDamage
|  |  |  +- DogBiteDamage
|  |  |  +- WindowJumpThroughDamage
|  |  +- KickingDamage
|  |  +- ShovelDamage
|  +- BulletDamage
|  |  +- MachineGunDamage
|  |  +- RifleDamage
|  |  +- ShotGunDamage
|  +- SmashDamage
+- BodyDamage
+- BurnedDamage
|  +- FireExplodedDamage
|  +- NapalmDamage
+- CrackSmokingDamage
+- ElectricalDamage
+- ExplodedDamage
|  +- GrenadeDamage
|  +- RocketDamage
+- ExtinguishDamage
+- GonorrheaDamage
+- NoKillDamage
+- OnFireDamage
+- UrineDamage

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