Always snap to grid
From Unreal Wiki, The Unreal Engine Documentation Site
Postal 2's version of the PlayerController. Contains most player-related functions.
- bool bEnableReticle
- Enable/disable reticles
- int ReticleNum
- Current reticle number
- int ReticleAlpha
- Reticle alpha value
- bool ShowBlood
- True means you get blood and gore, false means you get cheesy dust effects instead
- int HurtBarAlpha
- Alpha level for glowy red hurt bars when you get damaged
- int HudViewState
- How much of the hud is showing. 0 = all hidden, HUD_VIEW_MAX = all visible
- bool bWeaponBob
- Whether or not we want weapon bobbing
- bool bMpHints
- Shows hints in multiplayer mode
Useful Functions[edit]
- function AddAnimalFriend(AnimalPawn newfriend)
- Adds an animal friend
- function RemoveAnimalFriend(AnimalPawn newfriend)
- Removes an animal friend
- function bool IsAnimalFriend(FPSPawn cfriend)
- Check to see if this pawn is one of the player's animal friends
- function bool CheatsAllowed()
- Returns true if we can use cheats
- function SetSightReaction(FPSPawn.EPawnInitialState NewSightReaction)
- Set the type of reaction NPCs have to seeing the player
- function ClearSightReaction()
- Clears our sight reaction
- function NotifyCuredGonorrhea()
- Tell dude he got his VD cured
- function InitCrackAddiction()
- Sets up our crack addiction
- function SmokeCatnip()
- If the player smokes catnip he goes into slow-motion
- simulated function BlowSmoke(vector smokecolor)
- function EatingFood()
- function CommentOnCrackUse()
- Say something about using crack
- function CommentOnWeaponThrow()
- Say something funny as you throw a grenade
- function float CommentOnGettingArrested()
- Talk back while getting arrested
- function CommentOnCheating()
- Make fun of the player for cheating
- function CommentOnNeedingToPee()
- Say you have to take a leak
- function float CommentOnFarting()
- Apologize for farting
- simulated function FindGroupWeapon(byte FindGroup, out P2Weapon NewWeap, out byte Abort)
- Find a weapon in a specific group
- function bool SwitchToThisWeapon(int GroupNum, int OffsetNum, optional bool bForceReady)
- Switch to a particular weapon
- function bool SwitchToThisPowerup(int GroupNum, int OffsetNum)
- Switch to a particular powerup
- function SetupGettingMugged(P2Pawn NewMugger)
- You're getting mugged by someone
- function bool CanBeMugged(P2Pawn NewMugger)
- Returns true if it's possible to mug the dude