Worst-case scenario: the UEd Goblin wipes the map and burns down your house.
GeSHi is a set of PHP classes that allow you to quickly and easily apply syntax highlighting to any text and display the output in HTML. It is used in many places, including phpBB, DokuWiki, WikkaWiki and Mambo.
This is a fairly simple wordfile which you can use to apply syntax highlighting to stuff on your own website / forum etc. Features:
- Everything you'd normally expect from syntax highlighting
- Recognises a fairly exhaustive list of common Object and Actor functions, members and enums.
- Also recognises the most common built-in actor and object classes, and additionally links each to a wiki search for that class
- Customisable via css etc
To install and start using it, first extract and install GeSHi (tested with by following their directions and then dump the contents of the following code block into a file called uscript.php in the /geshi subdirectory.
<?php /************************************************************************************* * uscript.php * --------------------------------- * Author: pospi (pospi at spadgos dot com) * Copyright: (c) 2007 pospi (http://pospi.spadgos.com) * Release Version: 1.0.0 * CVS Revision Version: $Revision: 000 $ * Date Started: 2007/05/21 * Last Modified: $Date: 2007-05-21 23:51:03 +1000 (Mon, 21 May 2007) $ * * unrealScript language file for GeSHi. * * Comments: * * Main purpose at this time is for Unreal Engine 2 / 2.5 * * Mostly taken from UltraEdit unrealScript wordfile. * * CHANGES * ------- * 2007/05/21 (1.0.0) * - First Release * * TODO (updated 2007/05/21) * ------------------------- * * Update to feature any UE3 classes / keywords when UT3 comes out * ************************************************************************************* * * This file is part of GeSHi. * * GeSHi is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * GeSHi is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with GeSHi; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * ************************************************************************************/ $language_data = array ( 'LANG_NAME' => 'Unreal Script', 'COMMENT_SINGLE' => array(1 => '//', 2 => '#'), 'COMMENT_MULTI' => array('/*' => '*/'), 'CASE_KEYWORDS' => GESHI_CAPS_NO_CHANGE, 'QUOTEMARKS' => array("'", '"'), 'ESCAPE_CHAR' => '\\', 'KEYWORDS' => array( 1 => array( //declaration keywords 'simulated', 'state', 'class', 'function', 'event', 'var', 'local', 'ignores', 'globalconfig', 'config', 'abstract', 'nativereplication', 'native', 'auto', 'coerce', 'const', 'default', 'defaultproperties', 'enum', 'event', 'extends', 'expands', 'final', 'guid', 'latent', 'localized', 'new', 'noexport', 'operator', 'preoperator', 'optional', 'out', 'private', 'public', 'protected', 'reliable', 'replication', 'simulated', 'singular', 'static', 'struct', 'transient', 'unreliable', 'hidedropdown', 'cacheexempt', 'exec', 'delegate', 'import', 'placeable', 'exportstructs' ), 2 => array( //control flow keywords 'for', 'while', 'do', 'if', 'else', 'switch', 'case', 'return', 'break', 'continue', 'begin', 'loop', 'assert', 'foreach', 'AllActors', 'DynamicActors', 'ChildActors', 'BasedActors', 'TouchingActors', 'TraceActors', 'RadiusActors', 'VisibleActors', 'CollidingActors', 'VisibleCollidingActors' ), 3 => array( //global (object) functions 'log', 'warn', 'rot', 'vect', 'Rand', 'Min', 'Max', 'Clamp', 'Abs', 'Sin', 'ASin', 'Cos', 'ACos', 'Tan', 'ATan', 'Exp', 'Loge', 'Sqrt', 'Square', 'FRand', 'FMin', 'FMax', 'FClamp', 'Lerp', 'Smerp', 'Ceil', 'Round', 'VSize', 'Normal', 'Invert', 'VRand', 'MirrorVectorByNormal', 'GetAxes', 'GetUnAxes', 'RotRand', 'OrthoRotation', 'Normalize', 'ClockwiseFrom', 'Len', 'InStr', 'Mid', 'Left', 'Right', 'Caps', 'Chr', 'Asc', 'Locs', 'Divide', 'Split', 'StrCmp', 'Repl', 'Eval', 'InterpCurveEval', 'InterpCurveGetOutputRange', 'InterpCurveGetInputDomain', 'QuatProduct', 'QuatInvert', 'QuatRotateVector', 'QuatFindBetween', 'QuatFromAxisAndAngle', 'QuatFromRotator', 'QuatToRotator', 'QuatSlerp', 'Localize', 'GotoState', 'IsInState', 'GetStateName', 'ClassIsChildOf', 'IsA', 'Enable', 'Disable', 'GetPropertyText', 'SetPropertyText', 'GetEnum', 'DynamicLoadObject', 'FindObject', 'SaveConfig', 'ClearConfig', 'StaticSaveConfig', 'ResetConfig', 'StaticClearConfig', 'GetPerObjectNames', 'RandRange', 'StopWatch', 'IsOnConsole', 'IsSoaking', 'PlatformIsMacOS', 'PlatformIsUnix', 'PlatformIsWindows', 'PlatformIs64Bit', 'BeginState', 'EndState', 'Created', 'AllObjects', 'GetReferencers', 'GetItemName', 'ReplaceText', 'EatStr' ), 4 => array( //common almost-global (actor) functions 'ClientMessage', 'ConsoleCommand', 'CopyObjectToClipboard', 'TextToSpeech', 'Error', 'Sleep', 'SetCollision', 'SetCollisionSize', 'SetDrawScale', 'SetDrawScale3D', 'SetStaticMesh', 'SetDrawType', 'Move', 'SetLocation', 'SetRotation', 'SetRelativeLocation', 'SetRelativeRotation', 'MoveSmooth', 'AutonomousPhysics', 'SetBase', 'SetOwner', 'IsJoinedTo', 'GetMeshName', 'PlayAnim', 'LoopAnim', 'TweenAnim', 'IsAnimating', 'FinishAnim', 'HasAnim', 'StopAnimating', 'FreezeFrameAt', 'SetAnimFrame', 'IsTweening', 'AnimStopLooping', 'AnimEnd', 'LinkSkelAnim', 'LinkMesh', 'BoneRefresh', 'GetBoneCoords', 'GetBoneRotation', 'GetRootLocation', 'GetRootRotation', 'AttachToBone', 'DetachFromBone', 'SetBoneScale', 'UpdateURL', 'GetURLOption', 'SetPhysics', 'KAddImpulse', 'KImpact', 'KApplyForce', 'Clock', 'UnClock', 'Destroyed', 'GainedChild', 'LostChild', 'Tick', 'PostNetReceive', 'ClientTrigger', 'Trigger', 'UnTrigger', 'BeginEvent', 'EndEvent', 'Timer', 'HitWall', 'Falling', 'Landed', 'ZoneChange', 'PhysicsVolumeChange', 'Touch', 'PostTouch', 'UnTouch', 'Bump', 'BaseChange', 'Attach', 'Detach', 'SpecialHandling', 'EncroachingOn', 'EncroachedBy', 'RanInto', 'FinishedInterpolation', 'EndedRotation', 'UsedBy', 'FellOutOfWorld', 'KilledBy', 'TakeDamage', 'HealDamage', 'Trace', 'FastTrace', 'TraceThisActor', 'spawn', 'Destroy', 'TornOff', 'SetTimer', 'PlaySound', 'PlayOwnedSound', 'GetSoundDuration', 'MakeNoise', 'BeginPlay', 'GetAllInt', 'RenderOverlays', 'RenderTexture', 'PreBeginPlay', 'PostBeginPlay', 'PostNetBeginPlay', 'HurtRadius', 'Reset', 'Crash' ), 5 => array( //data types 'none', 'null', 'float', 'int', 'bool', 'byte', 'char', 'double', 'iterator', 'name', 'string', //primitive 'plane', 'rotator', 'vector', 'spline', 'coords', 'Quat', 'Range', 'RangeVector', //structs 'Scale', 'Color', 'Box', 'IntBox', 'FloatBox', 'BoundingVolume', 'Matrix', 'InterpCurvePoint', 'InterpCurve', 'CompressedPosition', 'TMultiMap', 'PointRegion', 'KRigidBodyState', 'KSimParams', 'AnimRep', 'FireProperties', 'lodmesh', 'skeletalmesh', 'mesh', 'StaticMesh', 'MeshInstance', //3d resources 'sound', //sound resources 'material', 'texture', 'combiner', 'modifier', 'ColorModifier', 'FinalBlend', //2d resources 'MaterialSequence', 'MaterialSwitch', 'OpacityModifier', 'TexModifier', 'TexEnvMap', 'TexCoordSource', 'TexMatrix', 'TexOscillator', 'TexPanner', 'TexRotator', 'TexScaler', 'RenderedMaterial', 'BitmapMaterial', 'ScriptedTexture', 'ShadowBitmapMaterial', 'Cubemap', 'FractalTexture', 'FireTexture', 'IceTexture', 'WaterTexture', 'FluidTexture', 'WaveTexture', 'WetTexture', 'ConstantMaterial', 'ConstantColor', 'FadeColor', 'ParticleMaterial', 'ProjectorMaterial', 'Shader', 'TerrainMaterial', 'VertexColor' ), 6 => array( //misc keywords 'false', 'true', 'self', 'super', 'MaxInt', 'Pi' ), 7 => array( //common actor enums & variables 'DT_None', 'DT_Sprite', 'DT_Mesh', 'DT_Brush', 'DT_RopeSprite', 'DT_VerticalSprite', 'DT_TerraForm', 'DT_SpriteAnimOnce', 'DT_StaticMesh', 'DT_DrawType', 'DT_Particle', 'DT_AntiPortal', 'DT_FluidSurface', 'PHYS_None', 'PHYS_Walking', 'PHYS_Falling', 'PHYS_Swimming', 'PHYS_Flying', 'PHYS_Rotating', 'PHYS_Projectile', 'PHYS_Interpolating', 'PHYS_MovingBrush', 'PHYS_Spider', 'PHYS_Trailer', 'PHYS_Ladder', 'PHYS_RootMotion', 'PHYS_Karma', 'PHYS_KarmaRagDoll', 'PHYS_Hovering', 'PHYS_CinMotion', 'ROLE_None', 'ROLE_DumbProxy', 'ROLE_SimulatedProxy', 'ROLE_AutonomousProxy', 'ROLE_Authority', 'STY_None', 'STY_Normal', 'STY_Masked', 'STY_Translucent', 'STY_Modulated', 'STY_Alpha', 'STY_Additive', 'STY_Subtractive', 'STY_Particle', 'STY_AlphaZ', 'OCCLUSION_None', 'OCCLUSION_BSP', 'OCCLUSION_Default', 'OCCLUSION_StaticMeshes', 'SLOT_None', 'SLOT_Misc', 'SLOT_Pain', 'SLOT_Interact', 'SLOT_Ambient', 'SLOT_Talk', 'SLOT_Interface', 'MTRAN_None', 'MTRAN_Instant', 'MTRAN_Segue', 'MTRAN_Fade', 'MTRAN_FastFade', 'MTRAN_SlowFade', 'DrawType', 'Physics', 'Owner', 'Base', 'Level', 'Game', 'Instigator', 'RemoteRole', 'Role', 'LifeSpan', 'Tag', 'Event', 'Location', 'Rotation', 'Velocity', 'Acceleration', 'RelativeLocation', 'RelativeRotation', 'DrawScale', 'DrawScale3D', 'Skins', 'Style', 'SoundVolume', 'SoundPitch', 'SoundRadius', 'TransientSoundVolume', 'TransientSoundRadius', 'CollisionRadius', 'CollisionHeight', 'Mass', 'Buoyancy', 'RotationRate', 'DesiredRotation' ), 8 => array( //common non-actor uscript classes 'Object', 'CacheManager', 'CameraEffect', 'Canvas', 'CheatManager', 'Commandlet', 'DecoText', 'GUI', 'InteractionMaster', 'Interactions', 'Interaction', 'KarmaParamsCollision', 'KarmaParamsRBFull', 'KarmaParamsSkel', 'KarmaParams', 'LevelSummary', 'Locale', 'Manifest', 'MaterialFactory', 'MeshObject', 'ObjectPool', 'Pallete', 'ParticleEmitter', 'MeshEmitter', 'BeamEmitter', 'SpriteEmitter', 'SparkEmitter', 'TrailEmitter', 'Player', 'PlayerInput', 'PlayInfo', 'ReachSpec', 'Resource', 'LatentScriptedAction', 'ScriptedAction', 'speciesType', 'StreamBase', 'Stream', 'EditorEngine', 'Engine', 'Time', 'WeaponFire', 'WebApplication', 'WebRequest', 'WebResponse', 'WebSkin', 'xPawnGibGroup', 'xPawnSoundGroup', 'xUtil' ), 9 => array( //common actor-based uscript classes 'Actor', 'Controller', 'AIController', 'ScriptedController', 'Bot', 'xBot', 'PlayerController', 'UnrealPlayer', 'xPlayer', 'DamageType', 'WeaponDamageType', 'Effects', 'Emitter', 'NetworkEmitter', 'Gib', 'HUD', 'HudBase', 'Info', 'FluidSurfaceInfo', 'Combo', 'GameInfo', 'UnrealMPGameInfo', 'DeathMatch', 'TeamGame', 'CTFGame', 'xCTFGame', 'xBombingRun', 'xDoubleDom', 'xTeamGame', 'ASGameInfo', 'Invasion', 'ONSOnslaughtGame', 'xDeathmatch', 'Mutator', 'Inventory', 'Ammunition', 'KeyInventory', 'Powerups', 'Armor', 'Weapon', 'InventoryAttachment', 'WeaponAttachment', 'KActor', 'KConstraint', 'KBSJoint', 'KCarWheelJoint', 'KConeLimit', 'KHinge', 'KTire', 'KVehicleFactory', 'Keypoint', 'AIScript', 'ScriptedSequence', 'ScriptedTrigger', 'AmbientSound', 'Light', 'SpotLight', 'SunLight', 'TriggerLight', 'MeshEffect', 'NavigationPoint', 'GameObjective', 'DestroyableObjective', 'PathNode', 'FlyingPathNode', 'RoadPathNode', 'InventorySpot', 'PlayerStart', 'Pawn', 'Vehicle', 'UnrealPawn', 'xPawn', 'Monster', 'ASVehicle', 'KVehicle', 'KCar', 'ONSWeaponPawn', 'SVehicle', 'ONSVehicle', 'ONSChopperCraft', 'ONSHoverCraft', 'ONSPlaneCraft', 'ONSTreadCraft', 'ONSWheeledCraft', 'Pickup', 'Ammo', 'UTAmmoPickup', 'ArmorPickup', 'KeyPickup', 'TournamentPickup', 'Projectile', 'Projector', 'DynamicProjector', 'ShadowProjector', 'xScorch', 'xEmitter', 'xPickupBase', 'xProcMesh', 'xWeatherEffect', 'PhysicsVolume', 'Volume' ) ), 'SYMBOLS' => array( '+','-','=','/','*','-','%','>','<','&','^','!','|','`','(',')','[',']','{','}', 'dot','cross','<<','>>','$','@' ), 'CASE_SENSITIVE' => array( GESHI_COMMENTS => false, 1 => false, 2 => false, 3 => false, ), 'STYLES' => array( 'KEYWORDS' => array( 1 => 'color: #0000FF;', 2 => 'color: #0000FF;', 3 => 'color: #0066AA;', 4 => 'color: #0088FF;', 5 => 'color: #E000E0;', 6 => 'color: #900000;', 7 => 'color: #888800;', 8 => 'color: #AA6600;', 9 => 'color: #FF8800;' ), 'COMMENTS' => array( 1 => 'color: #008080; font-style: italic;', 2 => 'color: #000000; font-weight: bold;', 'MULTI' => 'color: #008080; font-style: italic;' ), 'ESCAPE_CHAR' => array( 0 => '' ), 'BRACKETS' => array( 0 => 'color: #000000;' ), 'STRINGS' => array( 0 => 'color: #999999;' ), 'NUMBERS' => array( 0 => 'color: #FF0000;' ), 'METHODS' => array( 0 => 'color: #006600;' ), 'SYMBOLS' => array( 0 => 'color: #669966;' ), 'REGEXPS' => array( 0 => 'color: #E000E0;', 1 => 'color: #E000E0;' ), 'SCRIPT' => array( 0 => '' ) ), 'URLS' => array( 1 => '', 2 => '', 3 => '', 4 => '', 5 => '', 6 => '', 7 => '', 8 => 'http://wiki.beyondunreal.com/wiki?search={FNAME}', 9 => 'http://wiki.beyondunreal.com/wiki?search={FNAME}' ), 'OOLANG' => false, 'OBJECT_SPLITTER' => '', 'REGEXPS' => array( //handle template-style variable definitions 0 => array( GESHI_SEARCH => '(class\s*)<(\s*(\w+)\s*)>', GESHI_REPLACE => "\${1}", GESHI_MODIFIERS => 'i', GESHI_BEFORE => '', GESHI_AFTER => "< \${3} >" ), 1 => array( GESHI_SEARCH => '(array\s*)<(\s*(\w+)\s*)>', GESHI_REPLACE => "\${1}", GESHI_MODIFIERS => 'i', GESHI_BEFORE => '', GESHI_AFTER => "< \${3} >" ) ), 'STRICT_MODE_APPLIES' => GESHI_NEVER, 'SCRIPT_DELIMITERS' => array( ), 'HIGHLIGHT_STRICT_BLOCK' => array( ) ); ?>
You can find some more info here, see it in action and test it yourself.
Feel free to add to or modify it if you can think of any improvements.