I love the smell of UnrealEd crashing in the morning. – tarquin
From Unreal Wiki, The Unreal Engine Documentation Site
PrecipitationGenerator creates rain/snow-like effects. Works client-side and thus doesn't put extra load on network connections.
More information and download: Slick Willy's Custom Scripts
Created by SlickWilly.
You don't need this in UT2003. It has a built in xWeatherEffect.
Mosquito:OOH!! me D/ling! EDIT DEAD LINK!
Mychaeel: Then please fix it. Thanks.
Mosquito: Its not mine, whats SlickWilly's Email!
Mychaeel: Just look at the URL and make an educated guess about which part of it might still be valid. Then start from there and look for the correct new link. (Be a bit resourceful, people!)
Piglet: Was resourcefull and fixed the broken link :P