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Legacy:Red Planet/Design Document

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Name: Red Planet

Type: Total Conversion

Overview: Red Planet is a futuristic racing game set in the Solar system in 3046. It will be single-player oriented, but will have a few multiplayer maps for racing your buddies on


  • Buy system for different cars.
  • Each character in the main game has loyalties and enemies.
  • In between each singleplayer race there will be a criminal investigation going on.
  • Will support campaign mode for multiplayer.
  • Each race track will be unique. Average of 18 tracks. (2 per planet)
  • Any other features I can think of


  • Dragonmaw: Lead Modeller, Founder


T1: There are a few mods already pretty much doing the same thing:

Momentum Control: http://www.synista.argon108.server4free.de/

Centrifuge: http://ut2004.wickedpenguin.com/centrifuge.cfm

Anomaly: I don't know their website