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Legacy:Redeemer Style Weapons

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Revision as of 12:14, 9 June 2004 by TomAndrews (Talk)

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Redeemer Style Weapons

A page in progress

This is for UT

Extend Projectile

class MyRedeemer extends Projectile

Add a mesh, usually by addding the following line to the default properties

mesh=lodMesh'(insert mesh name here)'

such as a missle


create a tick function and add code to change the missiles direction as well as manage the playerpawn's


simulated function Tick(float DeltaTime)
velocitiy = vector(rotation)*250;

add a destroyed() function to handle the playerpawn and a shockwave

simulated function Destroyed()
playerpawn(instigator).viewtarget = playerpawn(instigator)

i have'nt tested it yet, but it's good in concept


Foxpaw: Some note should be made on this page that it refers to the UT implementation. In UT2003 the redeemer does not track the firer's rotation and instead is essentially a specialized type of player itself.

MythOpus: How do you know this tut in't going to be for the UT2k3 version ? o_O

Foxpaw: The "add code to the tick event to follow direction of player" is the way the Redeemer was done in UT.

MythOpus: Where does it say anything about this tick event here ? lol o_O

Wormbo: Right above Foxpaw's first response: "Add code to the tick event to follow direction of player".

MythOpus: :O Don't I feel smart !

Wormbo: "A page in progress" ? It doesn't look like that. I hope TomAndrews continues this tutorial, otherwise it should probably be tagged with "Delete Me"...

GRAF1K: From TomAndrews:

TomAndrews: I'm working on it now, give me a week and it should be done.

Granted, TomAndrews should have written to the point of his tutorial being of use before uploading, but still... no DeleteMe until the 23rd. ;-)

Dirk Fist: I'd like to make a deemer(UT) that does'nt have gymbal lock

GRAF1K: That's it.

MadNad Well, since its been so long... want to have some fun, give weapons to the deemer in 2k3  :P

Category:Legacy Delete Me