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Legacy:Replication Examples/Giant Spider Execution

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This example describes the replication magic behind the alternate execution sequence on JB-Aswan-v2. of a replication systems uses a combination of mapper-placed actors. The system waits for a server-side trigger event and then starts parallel execution of server- and client-side state code.

The Actors Involved

I don't want to bore you to death with how Jailbreak's jails and execution sequences are set up, but basically the game triggers an event server-sidely that should eventually result in the prisoners in a certain jail getting killed.

On JB-Aswan-v2, the execution is actually a quite complex system of ScriptedTriggers to randomly select between the default spider invasion execution or the giant spider execution. The giant spider execution uses a custom actor that, once triggered, dispatches events for triggering the camera switch and the exposion Emitter.

to be continues...

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