Once I get that upgrade to 36-hour days, I will tackle that. – Mychaeel

Legacy:Rising Water

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This tutorial is for UT2003. See also Rising Water (UT).

Creating rising water (or any fluid such as slime or lava) is easier in UT2003 than it was in UT due to the addition of volumes. In UT, rising water was simulated rather than actually a moving thing. In UT2003 you can create truly moving fluids.

Creating rising water[edit]

  1. Create a WaterVolume (see Working With Volumes), or any other type of volume,
  2. set the following properties:
    • bStatic = false (this is a hidden property, you'll need to cheat)
    • bMoveable = true
  3. Attach the volume to a mover (see attaching actors).

Category:Legacy Mapping
Category:Legacy Tutorial
Category:Legacy To Do – still needs work