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{{classbox| Chaos Engine:: [ ceEngine] >> ceModuleInfo}}
{{classbox| [[Legacy:UT2004|UT2004]] :: [[Legacy:Object|Object]] >> ceModuleInfo}}
ceModuleInfo should never be instanced at all, and is should only ever be a class reference. ceModuleInfo's purpose is to store data, about a module. At this moment, all I have written is the main GUI extensions. Eventually ceModuleInfo will be one of the largest data classes in Chaos Engine since the module info is where almost all data about the module is stored. This class is constantly changing, so some functions can be taken with a grain of salt at the moment.
; Data[2] ([[Legacy:Variable_Type|String]]) : Nothing too special with this struct.
; s_GUIDrawStyle AltComboButtonStyle[5] :
; s_GUIDrawStyle ArrowLeftDblStyle[5] :
; s_GUIDrawStyle ArrowLeftStyle[5] :  
; s_GUIDrawStyle ArrowRightDblStyle[5] :
; s_GUIDrawStyle ArrowRightStyle[5] :
; s_GUIDrawStyle BindBoxStyle[5] :
; s_GUIDrawStyle BottomTabButtonStyle[5] :
; s_GUIDrawStyle BrowserButtonStyle[5] :
; s_GUIDrawStyle BrowserListSelStyle[5] :
; s_GUIDrawStyle CharButtonStyle[5] :
; s_GUIDrawStyle CheckBoxCheckStyle[5] :
; s_GUIDrawStyle CheckBoxStyle[5] :
; s_GUIDrawStyle CloseButtonStyle[5] :
; s_GUIDrawStyle ComboButtonBStyle[5] :
; s_GUIDrawStyle ComboButtonStyle[5] :
; s_GUIDrawStyle ComboListBoxStyle[5] :
; array<s_ConsoleCommandDef> ConsoleCommandDef :
; s_GUIDrawStyle ContextMenuStyle[5] :
; s_GUIDrawStyle CoolScrollStyle[5] :
; s_GUIDrawStyle DarkTextLabelStyle[5] :
; array<name> DesktopIgnoreClassName :
; s_GUIDrawStyle EditBoxStyle[5] :
; s_GUIDrawStyle FloatingWindowStyle :
; s_GUIDrawStyle FooterButtonStyle[5] :
; s_GUIDrawStyle FooterStyle[5] :
; IntBox GUIWindowBorderBox :
; IntBox GUIWindowTitleBarPadding :
; s_GUIDrawStyle HeaderStyle[5] :
; s_GUIDrawStyle InventoryBoxEmptyStyle :
; s_GUIDrawStyle InventoryBoxStyle :
; s_GUIDrawStyle IRCEntryStyle[5] :
; s_GUIDrawStyle IRCTextStyle[5] :
; s_GUIDrawStyle ItemOutlineStyle[5] :
; s_GUIDrawStyle LadderButtonActiveStyle[5] :
; s_GUIDrawStyle LadderButtonStyle[5] :
; string LastPlayerProfileName :
; s_GUIDrawStyle ListBoxStyle[5] :
; s_GUIDrawStyle ListHighlightStyle[5] :
; s_GUIDrawStyle ListSectionHeaderStyle[5] :
; s_GUIDrawStyle ListSelectionStyle[5] :
; s_GUIDrawStyle MenuBarStyle[5] :
; s_GUIDrawStyle MidGameButtonStyle[5] :
; string ModuleContextMenuComponentName :
; string ModuleDescription :
; string ModuleDesktopComponentName :
; string ModuleMenuBarComponentName :
; string ModuleName :
; string ModulePrefix :
; string ModuleQuitWindowName :
; float ModuleVersion :
; s_GUIDrawStyle MouseOverLabelStyle[5] :
; s_GUIDrawStyle NoBackgroundStyle[5] :
; s_GUIDrawStyle PageStyle[5] :
; string RGB_ConversionTable[16] :
; s_GUIDrawStyle RosterButtonStyle[5] :
; s_GUIDrawStyle RoundButtonStyle[5] :
; s_GUIDrawStyle RoundScaledButtonStyle[5] :
; s_GUIDrawStyle ScrollZoneStyle[5] :
; s_GUIDrawStyle SectionHeaderBarStyle[5] :
; s_GUIDrawStyle SectionHeaderTextStyle[5] :
; s_GUIDrawStyle SectionHeaderTopStyle[5] :
; s_GUIDrawStyle ServerBrowserGridHeaderStyle[5] :
; s_GUIDrawStyle ServerBrowserGridStyle[5] :
; s_GUIDrawStyle ServerListContextMenuStyle[5] :
; s_GUIDrawStyle SliderBarStyle[5] :
; s_GUIDrawStyle SliderCaptionStyle[5] :
; s_GUIDrawStyle SliderFillStyle[5] :
; s_GUIDrawStyle SliderKnobStyle[5] :
; s_GUIDrawStyle SpinnerStyle[5] :
; s_GUIDrawStyle SquareBarStyle[5] :
; s_GUIDrawStyle SquareButtonStyle[5] :
; s_GUIDrawStyle SquareMenuButtonStyle[5] :
; s_GUIDrawStyle TabBackgroundStyle[5] :
; s_GUIDrawStyle TabButtonStyle[5] :
; s_GUIDrawStyle TextButtonEffectStyle[5] :
; s_GUIDrawStyle TextButtonStyle[5] :
; s_GUIDrawStyle TextLabelStyle[5] :
; s_GUIDrawStyle VertDownButtonStyle[5] :
; s_GUIDrawStyle VertGripStyle[5] :
; s_GUIDrawStyle VertUpButtonStyle[5] :  
; ImageMaterial ([[Legacy:Material|Material]]) : Image reference to draw.
; ImageColor ([[Legacy:Built-In_Structs|Color]]) : Color of the image to draw.
; ImageRenderStyle ([[Legacy:GUI|EMenuRenderStyle]]) : This sets the Canvas.Style value.
; ImageDrawStyle ([[Legacy:GUI|eImgStyle]]) : This alters the Canvas drawing technique when drawing the material.
; ImagePadding ([[Legacy:Built-In_Structs|FloatBox]]): This post modifies both the position and size of the element. It first modifies the left and top position of the element through ('''''Left = Left + x1''''') and ('''''Top = Top + y1'''''). The width and height are then calculated by ('''''Width = Width + (-X1 + X2)''''') and ('''''Height = Height + (-Y1 + Y2)'''''). Having negative numbers in X1 and Y1 would shift the element left and upwards, while having positive numbers would shift the element right and downwards. Remember that X2 and Y2 are influenced by X1 and Y1. X2 and Y2 modify the final position of the bottom hand corner of the element much in the same way as X1 and Y1, and not really the width and the height.
{{innerbox|This struct is used to define the draw elements that go on the canvas. They were mainly used for the GUI, but they could just as easily        be used for defining other elements on the canvas.
; string Command :
; string Desc :
==Module Variables==
; ModulePrefix ([[Legacy:Variable_Type|String]]): This stores the prefix of the module. At this stage, you must make sure that your module prefix differs from any other module that is created, otherwise data objects, config objects and the other forms of using prefix can get mixed up. I am currently thinking of also adding a database which keeps track of user submitted module names. Prefixes aren't usually used for messages or anything else other than a ''unique'' data identification method. (In future this may change to a int instead).
; ModuleName ([[Legacy:Variable_Type|string]]) : This is the module name that appears in GUI's and other places. This doesn't have to be unique at all, since it is just the visual text representation of your mod.
; ModuleDescription ([[Legacy:Variable_Type|string]]) : This is the description of your module that appears in GUI's. You can use things like '|' to break out lines and other things. I full description on this will be defined a little later on when I write them. (Other string based functions would be things like colored text).
; ModuleVersion ([[Legacy:Variable_Type|float]]): This is a version number you can use for identification purposes.
==GUI Interface Variables==
; DesktopBackground ([[Legacy:Material|Material]]) : This is the material used as the background in the desktop. In future, this may change to a GUIComponent string reference to allow for more complex background as well as interactive backgrounds.
; color FontBKColor :  
; color FontColor :  
{{innerbox|GUI Interface styles are essentially where you define how you wish the entire GUI Interface to look like. This is essentially a modifiable form of GUIStyles, except that I have extended the function to allow out sourcing of data. Styles often have static arrays consisting of five members. The five members represent the state of each component style, since it is often used in the form of '''GetStyle().default.StyleArray[MenuState]'''. The menu state is parsed automatically for you, and it is just an int representation of the enum eMenuState found in GUI.uc, '''[[Legacy:GUI|eMenuState]]'''.
; array<string> FontNames :  
; color ImageColor :  
; GUI.eImgStyle ImageDrawStyle :  
; Material ImageMaterial :  
; CloseButtonStyle[5] ('''s_GUIDrawStyle''') : Style on the close button used on the windows head bar.
; FloatBox ImagePadding :  
; ComboButtonStyle[5] ('''s_GUIDrawStyle''') : Style of the button used on drop down boxes.
; GUI.EMenuRenderStyle ImageRenderStyle :  
; ComboListBoxStyle[5] ('''s_GUIDrawStyle''') : Style of the list box used on drop down boxes.
; EditBoxStyle[5] ('''s_GUIDrawStyle''') : Style of the edit (the ones used to type in text) boxes.  
; HeaderStyle[5] ('''s_GUIDrawStyle''') : Style of the head bar of windows.
; MenuBarStyle[5] ('''s_GUIDrawStyle''') : Style of the desktop start bar.
; MouseOverLabelStyle[5] ('''s_GUIDrawStyle''') : Style of the mouse over label (When you hover the mouse over an item, a brief description comes up. This style adjusts the box the text is in).
; ScrollZoneStyle[5] ('''s_GUIDrawStyle''') : Style of the scroll bar zone.
; SquareMenuButtonStyle[5] ('''s_GUIDrawStyle''') : Style of the generic buttons.
; TabBackgroundStyle[5] ('''s_GUIDrawStyle''') : Style of the background of most tabbed windows.
; VertDownButtonStyle[5] ('''s_GUIDrawStyle''') : Style of the vertical down button used in scroll bars.
; VertGripStyle[5] ('''s_GUIDrawStyle''') : Style of the middle button used in scroll bars.
; VertUpButtonStyle[5] ('''s_GUIDrawStyle''') : Style of the vertical up button used in scroll bars.
; FloatingWindowStyle ('''s_GUIDrawStyle''') : Style of the window frame used in each window.
==Console interface Variables==
{{innerbox|The console is used to draw other GUI type elements on the canvas without the use of the main GUI code.
; InventoryBoxBackground ([[Legacy:Material|Material]]) : This is the material used as the background to draw the inventory selection box.
; InventoryBoxEmptyBackground ([[Legacy:Material|Material]]) : This is the material used as the background to draw the inventory selection box, when there is no inventory in the box.
==Other Variables==
; GUIStyleData ([[Legacy:Dynamic_Array|array<s_DoubleString>]]) : This stores an array of all the styles. GUIStyles are no longer created as a stack and then linked to. Each GUIComponent now has its own GUIStyles. The rationale behind this was to allow for individual rendering alterations to be written in ceModuleInfo rather than having to write new a GUIComponent. I have not noticed a dramatic decrease in speed due to this method as of yet. The format for this is, Data[0]="'''StyleName'''",Data[1]="'''GUIStyle Class'''". e.g. '''Data[0]="SquareButton",Data[1]="ceInterface.ceSTYSquareButton"'''
; PreDrawComponent ([[Legacy:Canvas|Canvas]] Canvas, [[Legacy:GUIStyles|GUIStyles]] GUIStyle, [[Legacy:GUI|GUI.eMenuState]] MenuState, [[Legacy:Variable_Type|float]] Left, [[Legacy:Variable_Type|float]] Top, [[Legacy:Variable_Type|float]] Width, [[Legacy:Variable_Type|float]] Height, [[Legacy:Variable_Type|float]] ActualLeft, [[Legacy:Variable_Type|float]] ActualTop, [[Legacy:Variable_Type|float]] ActualWidth, [[Legacy:Variable_Type|float]] ActualHeight, [[Legacy:Variable_Type|float]] DeltaTime) [[Legacy:Static_Function|Static]] : This function is called just before the actual component is drawn (called from ceGUIStyles). This allows you to draw elements onto the canvas before the component itself is drawn. So drawing elements behind the component is achieved from here.
; array<string> AllConsoleCommands(string Prefix ):  
;; Canvas ([[Legacy:Canvas|Canvas]]) : Canvas reference.
; string AutoTabConsole(string Prefix ):
;; GUIStyle ([[Legacy:GUIStyles|GUIStyles]]): This is an object reference to the ceGUIStyles that drew it. Because ceGUIStyles is within ceInterface which is compiled after ceEngine (ceModuleInfo resides within ceEngine), you must parse to ceGUIStyles if you wish to use any functions (ceGUIStyles are instanced) from within those instances. All GUIComponent objects now have their own GUIStyle object attached to them, so identification of GUIComponent can't be done directly, but rather indirectly through identifying the GUIStyle that is parsed here.
; bool ConsoleCommand(string Command ):
;; MenuState ([[Legacy:GUI|GUI]]) : This is the enum used to identify what state the component is in. This can be used to draw different predraw states if say the mouse was over the component, the mouse was clicking on the component etc.
; float ConvertStringTo16Bit(string s ):
;; Left ([[Legacy:Variable_Type|Float]]) : This is the left location of the GUIComponent that was originally sent to the component.
; color ConvertToColor(string ColorCode ):
;; Top ([[Legacy:Variable_Type|Float]]) : This is the top location of the GUIComponent that was originally sent to the component.
;  DrawComponent(Canvas Canvas, GUIStyles GUIStyle, string StyleName, GUI.eMenuState MenuState, float ScreenLeft, float Top, float Width, float Height, float DeltaTime ):  
;; Width ([[Legacy:Variable_Type|Float]]) : This is the width of the GUIComponent that was originally sent to the component.
;  DrawConsole(Canvas Canvas, string TypedStr, int TypedStrPos, array<string> History, int SBHead, int SBPos ):  
;; Height ([[Legacy:Variable_Type|Float]]) : This is the height of the GUIComponent that was originally sent to the component.
; DrawInventoryBox(Canvas C, Inventory Inv, int ScreenLeft, int Top, float Width, float Height, bool bSelected ):  
;; ActualLeft ([[Legacy:Variable_Type|Float]]) : This is the actual left location of the GUIComponent after it was modified by ceGUIStyles. The modification comes from Left + ImagePadding.X1.
; DrawInventoryBoxIcon(canvas C, Inventory Inv, int ScreenLeft, int Top, float Width, float Height, bool bSelected ):  
;; ActualTop ([[Legacy:Variable_Type|Float]]) : This is the actual top location of the GUIComponent, after it was modified by ceGUIStyles. The modification comes from Top + ImagePadding.Y1.
;  DrawTextComponent(Canvas Canvas, GUIStyles GUIStyle, string StyleName, GUI.eMenuState MenuState, float Left, float Top, float Width, float Height, GUI.eTextAlign Align, string Text, Font Font ):  
;; ActualWidth ([[Legacy:Variable_Type|Float]]) : This is the actual width of the GUIComponent, after it was modified by ceGUIStyles. The modification comes from Width + (-ImagePadding.X1 + ImagePadding.X2).
; GetComponentDimensions(s_GUIDrawStyle GUIDrawStyle, float Left, float Top, float width, float Height, out float ActualLeft, out float ActualTop, out float ActualWidth, out float ActualHeight ):  
;; ActualHeight ([[Legacy:Variable_Type|Float]]) : This is the actual height of the GUIComponent, after it was modified by ceGUIStyles. The modification comes from Height + (-ImagePadding.Y1 + ImagePadding.Y2).
; s_GUIDrawStyle GetComponentDrawStyle(string StyleName, int StyleIndex ):  
;; DeltaTime ([[Legacy:Variable_Type|Float]]) : This is the float value of the delta time parsed from Controller.RenderDelta. This can be used for timing type modifications if desired.
; int GUIAssignNewMenuPosition(GUIPage NewPage, array<GUIPage> MenuStack ):  
; GUISortMenuStack(array<GUIPage> OldStack, out array<GUIPage> NewStack, optional GUIPage ForcePage ):  
; PostDrawComponent ([[Legacy:Canvas|Canvas]] Canvas, [[Legacy:GUIStyles|GUIStyles]] GUIStyle, [[Legacy:GUI|GUI.eMenuState]] MenuState, [[Legacy:Variable_Type|float]] Left, [[Legacy:Variable_Type|float]] Top, [[Legacy:Variable_Type|float]] Width, [[Legacy:Variable_Type|float]] Height, [[Legacy:Variable_Type|float]] ActualLeft, [[Legacy:Variable_Type|float]] ActualTop, [[Legacy:Variable_Type|float]] ActualWidth, [[Legacy:Variable_Type|float]] ActualHeight, [[Legacy:Variable_Type|float]] DeltaTime) [[Legacy:Static_Function|Static]] : This function is the same as the above, but its called after the GUIComponent has been drawn, and is used primarily for any post rendering effects as such.
; PostDrawComponent(Canvas Canvas, GUIStyles GUIStyle, string StyleName, GUI.eMenuState MenuState, float ScreenLeft, float Top, float Width, float Height, float DeltaTime ):  
;  PostDrawConsole(Canvas Canvas, string TypedStr, int TypedStrPos, array<string> History, int SBHead, int SBPos ):  
; PreDrawInventoryBox ([[Legacy:Canvas|Canvas]] C, [[Legacy:Inventory|Inventory]] Inv, [[Legacy:Variable_Type|int]] PosX, [[Legacy:Variable_Type|int]] PosY, [[Legacy:Variable_Type|float]]    Width, [[Legacy:Variable_Type|float]] Height, [[Legacy:Variable_Type|bool]] bSelected) [[Legacy:Static_Function|Static]] : This function is called before the actual drawing of the inventory box element for pre rendering effects.
; PostDrawInventoryBox(Canvas C, Inventory Inv, int ScreenLeft, int Top, float Width, float Height, bool bSelected ):  
;; C ([[Legacy:Canvas|Canvas]]) : This is a canvas instance reference.  
; PostDrawTextComponent(Canvas Canvas, GUIStyles GUIStyle, string StyleName, GUI.eMenuState MenuState, float Left, float Top, float Width, float Height, GUI.eTextAlign Align, string Text, Font Font ):  
;; Inv ([[Legacy:Inventory|Inventory]]) : This is the inventory instance reference.  
; PreDrawComponent(Canvas Canvas, GUIStyles GUIStyle, string StyleName, GUI.eMenuState MenuState, float ScreenLeft, float Top, float Width, float Height, float DeltaTime ):  
;; PosX ([[Legacy:Variable_Type|int]]) : This is the left position of the inventory box element.
; PreDrawConsole(Canvas Canvas, string TypedStr, int TypedStrPos, array<string> History, int SBHead, int SBPos ):  
;; PosY ([[Legacy:Variable_Type|int]]) : This is the top position of the inventory box element.
; PreDrawInventoryBox(Canvas C, Inventory Inv, int ScreenLeft, int Top, float Width, float Height, bool bSelected ):  
;; Width ([[Legacy:Variable_Type|float]]) : This is the width of the inventory box element.
; PreDrawTextComponent(Canvas Canvas, GUIStyles GUIStyle, string StyleName, GUI.eMenuState MenuState, float Left, float Top, float Width, float Height, GUI.eTextAlign Align, string Text, Font Font ):  
;; Height ([[Legacy:Variable_Type|float]]) : This is the height of the inventory box element.
; bool QuickDrawCheck(string StyleName, int StyleIndex, float Width, float Height ):  
;; bSelected ([[Legacy:Variable_Type|bool]]) : This is a boolean which indicates if this inventory box element is the one currently selected.
; bool StyleDrawNative(string StyleName ):  
; bool StyleDrawTextNative(string StyleName ):  
; DrawInventoryBox ([[Legacy:Canvas|Canvas]] C, [[Legacy:Inventory|Inventory]] Inv, [[Legacy:Variable_Type|int]] PosX, [[Legacy:Variable_Type|int]] PosY, [[Legacy:Variable_Type|float]]    Width, [[Legacy:Variable_Type|float]] Height, [[Legacy:Variable_Type|bool]] bSelected) [[Legacy:Static_Function|Static]] : Same as above, but this is called on the actual drawing of the inventory box element.
; PostDrawInventoryBox ([[Legacy:Canvas|Canvas]] C, [[Legacy:Inventory|Inventory]] Inv, [[Legacy:Variable_Type|int]] PosX, [[Legacy:Variable_Type|int]] PosY, [[Legacy:Variable_Type|float]]    Width, [[Legacy:Variable_Type|float]] Height, [[Legacy:Variable_Type|bool]] bSelected) [[Legacy:Static_Function|Static]] : Same as above, but this is called after the actual drawing of the inventory box element for post rendering effects.

Latest revision as of 03:22, 17 May 2008

UT2004 :: Object >> ceModuleInfo





s_GUIDrawStyle AltComboButtonStyle[5] 
s_GUIDrawStyle ArrowLeftDblStyle[5] 
s_GUIDrawStyle ArrowLeftStyle[5] 
s_GUIDrawStyle ArrowRightDblStyle[5] 
s_GUIDrawStyle ArrowRightStyle[5] 
s_GUIDrawStyle BindBoxStyle[5] 
s_GUIDrawStyle BottomTabButtonStyle[5] 
s_GUIDrawStyle BrowserButtonStyle[5] 
s_GUIDrawStyle BrowserListSelStyle[5] 
s_GUIDrawStyle CharButtonStyle[5] 
s_GUIDrawStyle CheckBoxCheckStyle[5] 
s_GUIDrawStyle CheckBoxStyle[5] 
s_GUIDrawStyle CloseButtonStyle[5] 
s_GUIDrawStyle ComboButtonBStyle[5] 
s_GUIDrawStyle ComboButtonStyle[5] 
s_GUIDrawStyle ComboListBoxStyle[5] 
array<s_ConsoleCommandDef> ConsoleCommandDef 
s_GUIDrawStyle ContextMenuStyle[5] 
s_GUIDrawStyle CoolScrollStyle[5] 
s_GUIDrawStyle DarkTextLabelStyle[5] 
array<name> DesktopIgnoreClassName 
s_GUIDrawStyle EditBoxStyle[5] 
s_GUIDrawStyle FloatingWindowStyle 
s_GUIDrawStyle FooterButtonStyle[5] 
s_GUIDrawStyle FooterStyle[5] 
IntBox GUIWindowBorderBox 
IntBox GUIWindowTitleBarPadding 
s_GUIDrawStyle HeaderStyle[5] 
s_GUIDrawStyle InventoryBoxEmptyStyle 
s_GUIDrawStyle InventoryBoxStyle 
s_GUIDrawStyle IRCEntryStyle[5] 
s_GUIDrawStyle IRCTextStyle[5] 
s_GUIDrawStyle ItemOutlineStyle[5] 
s_GUIDrawStyle LadderButtonActiveStyle[5] 
s_GUIDrawStyle LadderButtonStyle[5] 
string LastPlayerProfileName 
s_GUIDrawStyle ListBoxStyle[5] 
s_GUIDrawStyle ListHighlightStyle[5] 
s_GUIDrawStyle ListSectionHeaderStyle[5] 
s_GUIDrawStyle ListSelectionStyle[5] 
s_GUIDrawStyle MenuBarStyle[5] 
s_GUIDrawStyle MidGameButtonStyle[5] 
string ModuleContextMenuComponentName 
string ModuleDescription 
string ModuleDesktopComponentName 
string ModuleMenuBarComponentName 
string ModuleName 
string ModulePrefix 
string ModuleQuitWindowName 
float ModuleVersion 
s_GUIDrawStyle MouseOverLabelStyle[5] 
s_GUIDrawStyle NoBackgroundStyle[5] 
s_GUIDrawStyle PageStyle[5] 
string RGB_ConversionTable[16] 
s_GUIDrawStyle RosterButtonStyle[5] 
s_GUIDrawStyle RoundButtonStyle[5] 
s_GUIDrawStyle RoundScaledButtonStyle[5] 
s_GUIDrawStyle ScrollZoneStyle[5] 
s_GUIDrawStyle SectionHeaderBarStyle[5] 
s_GUIDrawStyle SectionHeaderTextStyle[5] 
s_GUIDrawStyle SectionHeaderTopStyle[5] 
s_GUIDrawStyle ServerBrowserGridHeaderStyle[5] 
s_GUIDrawStyle ServerBrowserGridStyle[5] 
s_GUIDrawStyle ServerListContextMenuStyle[5] 
s_GUIDrawStyle SliderBarStyle[5] 
s_GUIDrawStyle SliderCaptionStyle[5] 
s_GUIDrawStyle SliderFillStyle[5] 
s_GUIDrawStyle SliderKnobStyle[5] 
s_GUIDrawStyle SpinnerStyle[5] 
s_GUIDrawStyle SquareBarStyle[5] 
s_GUIDrawStyle SquareButtonStyle[5] 
s_GUIDrawStyle SquareMenuButtonStyle[5] 
s_GUIDrawStyle TabBackgroundStyle[5] 
s_GUIDrawStyle TabButtonStyle[5] 
s_GUIDrawStyle TextButtonEffectStyle[5] 
s_GUIDrawStyle TextButtonStyle[5] 
s_GUIDrawStyle TextLabelStyle[5] 
s_GUIDrawStyle VertDownButtonStyle[5] 
s_GUIDrawStyle VertGripStyle[5] 
s_GUIDrawStyle VertUpButtonStyle[5] 




string Command 
string Desc 



color FontBKColor 
color FontColor 
array<string> FontNames 
color ImageColor 
GUI.eImgStyle ImageDrawStyle 
Material ImageMaterial 
FloatBox ImagePadding 
GUI.EMenuRenderStyle ImageRenderStyle 


array<string> AllConsoleCommands(string Prefix )
string AutoTabConsole(string Prefix )
bool ConsoleCommand(string Command )
float ConvertStringTo16Bit(string s )
color ConvertToColor(string ColorCode )
DrawComponent(Canvas Canvas, GUIStyles GUIStyle, string StyleName, GUI.eMenuState MenuState, float ScreenLeft, float Top, float Width, float Height, float DeltaTime )
DrawConsole(Canvas Canvas, string TypedStr, int TypedStrPos, array<string> History, int SBHead, int SBPos )
DrawInventoryBox(Canvas C, Inventory Inv, int ScreenLeft, int Top, float Width, float Height, bool bSelected )
DrawInventoryBoxIcon(canvas C, Inventory Inv, int ScreenLeft, int Top, float Width, float Height, bool bSelected )
DrawTextComponent(Canvas Canvas, GUIStyles GUIStyle, string StyleName, GUI.eMenuState MenuState, float Left, float Top, float Width, float Height, GUI.eTextAlign Align, string Text, Font Font )
GetComponentDimensions(s_GUIDrawStyle GUIDrawStyle, float Left, float Top, float width, float Height, out float ActualLeft, out float ActualTop, out float ActualWidth, out float ActualHeight )
s_GUIDrawStyle GetComponentDrawStyle(string StyleName, int StyleIndex )
int GUIAssignNewMenuPosition(GUIPage NewPage, array<GUIPage> MenuStack )
GUISortMenuStack(array<GUIPage> OldStack, out array<GUIPage> NewStack, optional GUIPage ForcePage )
PostDrawComponent(Canvas Canvas, GUIStyles GUIStyle, string StyleName, GUI.eMenuState MenuState, float ScreenLeft, float Top, float Width, float Height, float DeltaTime )
PostDrawConsole(Canvas Canvas, string TypedStr, int TypedStrPos, array<string> History, int SBHead, int SBPos )
PostDrawInventoryBox(Canvas C, Inventory Inv, int ScreenLeft, int Top, float Width, float Height, bool bSelected )
PostDrawTextComponent(Canvas Canvas, GUIStyles GUIStyle, string StyleName, GUI.eMenuState MenuState, float Left, float Top, float Width, float Height, GUI.eTextAlign Align, string Text, Font Font )
PreDrawComponent(Canvas Canvas, GUIStyles GUIStyle, string StyleName, GUI.eMenuState MenuState, float ScreenLeft, float Top, float Width, float Height, float DeltaTime )
PreDrawConsole(Canvas Canvas, string TypedStr, int TypedStrPos, array<string> History, int SBHead, int SBPos )
PreDrawInventoryBox(Canvas C, Inventory Inv, int ScreenLeft, int Top, float Width, float Height, bool bSelected )
PreDrawTextComponent(Canvas Canvas, GUIStyles GUIStyle, string StyleName, GUI.eMenuState MenuState, float Left, float Top, float Width, float Height, GUI.eTextAlign Align, string Text, Font Font )
bool QuickDrawCheck(string StyleName, int StyleIndex, float Width, float Height )
bool StyleDrawNative(string StyleName )
bool StyleDrawTextNative(string StyleName )
