I search for solutions in this order: Past Code, Unreal Source, Wiki, BUF, groups.yahoo, google, screaming at monitor. – RegularX
Legacy:Sound (UT)
From Unreal Wiki, The Unreal Engine Documentation Site
UT :: Object (UT) >> Sound (Package: Engine)
This class is native to the engine and there is no UnrealScript source for it.
See Sound for the UT2003 version of this class.
Sound Functions In Other Classes[edit]
Actor (UT) Class[edit]
- PlaySound (Sound Sound, optional ESoundSlot Slot, optional float Volume, optional bool bNoOverride, optional float Radius, optional float Pitch) [native, final]
- See Actor (UT)/Functions.
- PlayOwnedSound (Sound Sound, optional ESoundSlot Slot, optional float Volume, optional bool bNoOverride, optional float Radius, optional float Pitch) [native, final, simulated]
- See Actor (UT)/Functions.
- float GetSoundDuration (Sound Sound) [native, final]
- See Actor (UT)/Functions.
Pawn (UT) Class[edit]
- ClientHearSound (Actor (UT) Actor, int Id, Sound S, vector SoundLocation, vector Parameters) [native, simulated]
- Client-side event called when the client hears a sound.
PlayerPawn Class[edit]
- ClientPlaySound (Sound ASound, optional bool bInterrupt, optional bool bVolumeControl) [simulated]
- Plays a sound client-side. This function uses unreliable replication and might be dropped when there is packet loss.
- ClientReliablePlaySound (Sound ASound, optional bool bInterrupt, optional bool bVolumeControl) [simulated]
- Same as ClientPlaySound, but uses reliable replication so it always reaches the client.