Always snap to grid
From Unreal Wiki, The Unreal Engine Documentation Site
Object >> BrushBuilder >> SpiralStairBuilder (Package: Editor)
Creates a Spiral Staircase for the red builder brush
- Inner Radius - the radius from the centre to the side
- StepWidth - the width of each step
- StepHeight - the height between each step, I don't know the maximum walkheight, but when 32, you must jump
- StepThickness - the height of each step, starting at the beginning of the step
- NumSteps per 360 - the number of steps each round.
- NumSteps - the number of steps
- GroupName - Doesn't work with it
- Sloped Ceiling - check if you want the ceiling of each step is sloped, or just right
- Sloped Floor - check if you want the floor of each step is sloped, or just right
- CounterClockwise - check if you want it to go up to the left or say false if you want it to go up to the right
Alignment tips[edit]
If you checked something with sloped, then do that part with the align to floor, and don't use a texture that is like one image, but use a repeated texture. Align the sides to wall direction