There is no spoon
Emitter/xEmitter retardedness.[edit]
So. I was bored yesterday. I got a PC upgrade about 4 weeks back, and it seems it can handle the all the graphics options put to maximum on UT2004 (BTW, I don't know if it was just me, but I swear I heard the announcer say "holy shit" when I set all the settings to the highest.). I wanted to see if I could come up with any code to improve the graphics of UT2004. So. I wrote a simple mutator to change the MaxParticles property of all the ParticleEmitters in Emitters in CheckReplacement. Then, I try to compile it. Doh. MaxParticles is const. So I decided, whatever, I do it with xEmitters. Turns out mMaxParticles is a private variable.
THIS ISN'T SOME WEAPONFIRE STUFF YOU CAN CHEAT WITH! (and there you still have Weapon.GetFireMode();)
But here, just for apparently no reason absolutely, you can't change those variables.