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UT2003, Build 2225
class TournamentHealth extends TournamentPickUp abstract; var() int HealingAmount; var() bool bSuperHeal; /* DetourWeight() value of this path to take a quick detour (usually 0, used when on route to distant objective, but want to grab inventory for example) */ function float DetourWeight(Pawn Other,float PathWeight) { local int Heal; if ( AIController(Other.Controller).PriorityObjective() && (Other.Health > 65) ) return 0; Heal = Min(GetHealMax(Other),Other.Health + HealingAmount) - Other.Health; return (0.02 * Heal * MaxDesireability)/PathWeight; } event float BotDesireability(Pawn Bot) { local float desire; local int HealMax; HealMax = GetHealMax(Bot); desire = Min(HealingAmount, HealMax - Bot.Health); if ( (Bot.Weapon != None) && (Bot.Weapon.AIRating > 0.5) ) desire *= 1.7; if ( bSuperHeal || (Bot.Health < 45) ) return ( FMin(0.03 * desire, 2.2) ); else { if ( desire > 6 ) desire = FMax(desire,25); else if ( Bot.Controller.bHuntPlayer ) return 0; return ( FMin(0.017 * desire, 2.0) ); } } static function string GetLocalString( optional int Switch, optional PlayerReplicationInfo RelatedPRI_1, optional PlayerReplicationInfo RelatedPRI_2 ) { return Default.PickupMessage$Default.HealingAmount; } function int GetHealMax(Pawn P) { local int HealMax; HealMax = P.HealthMax; if (bSuperHeal) HealMax = Min(199, HealMax * 2.0); return HealMax; } auto state Pickup { function Touch( actor Other ) { local Pawn P; if ( ValidTouch(Other) ) { P = Pawn(Other); if (P.GiveHealth(HealingAmount, GetHealMax(P))) { AnnouncePickup(P); SetRespawn(); } } } } defaultproperties { HealingAmount=20 // The amount of healing done. PickupMessage="You picked up a Health Pack +" // The on-screen message. RespawnTime=30.000000 // How long it takes for the object to respawn. MaxDesireability=0.700000 RemoteRole=ROLE_DumbProxy AmbientGlow=255 CollisionRadius=32.000000 CollisionHeight=23.000000 Mass=10.000000 }