Once I get that upgrade to 36-hour days, I will tackle that. – Mychaeel
From Unreal Wiki, The Unreal Engine Documentation Site
- bool bButtons
- bool bCanEdit
- bool bListVisible
- UWindowComboButton Button
- float EditAreaDrawX
- float EditAreaDrawY
- UWindowEditBox EditBox
- float EditBoxWidth
- UWindowComboLeftButton LeftButton
- UWindowComboList List
- class<UWindowComboList> ListClass
- UWindowComboRightButton RightButton
- AddItem (string S, optional string S2, optional int SortWeight)
- BeforePaint (Canvas C, float X, float Y)
- Clear ()
- ClearValue ()
- Close (optional bool bByParent)
- CloseUp ()
- Created ()
- DropDown ()
- int FindItemIndex (string V, optional bool bIgnoreCase)
- int FindItemIndex2 (string V2, optional bool bIgnoreCase)
- FocusOtherWindow (UWindowWindow W)
- int GetSelectedIndex ()
- string GetValue ()
- string GetValue2 ()
- InsertItem (string S, optional string S2, optional int SortWeight)
- Notify (byte E)
- Paint (Canvas C, float X, float Y)
- RemoveItem (int Index)
- SetButtons (bool bInButtons)
- SetEditable (bool bNewCanEdit)
- SetEditTextColor (Color NewColor)
- SetFont (int NewFont)
- SetMaxLength (int MaxLength)
- SetNumericFloat (bool bNumericFloat)
- SetNumericOnly (bool bNumericOnly)
- SetSelectedIndex (int Index)
- SetValue (string NewValue, optional string NewValue2)
- Sort ()
Default properties[edit]
- ListClass=Class'UWindow.UWindowComboList'
- bNoKeyboard=True