Mostly Harmless


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UWindowBase >> UWindowWindow >> UWindowRootWindow

The root window. This object is the parent window of all UWindowWindow objects and is also the connection of the UWindow system to the console.


UWindowWindow MouseWindow 
The window the mouse is over.
bool bMouseCapture 
float MouseX, MouseY 
float OldMouseX, OldMouseY 
WindowConsole Console 
Reference to the console.
UWindowWindow FocusedWindow 
The window with the focus.
UWindowWindow KeyFocusWindow 
window with keyboard focus
MouseCursor NormalCursor, MoveCursor, DiagCursor1, HandCursor, HSplitCursor, VSplitCursor, DiagCursor2, NSCursor, WECursor, WaitCursor 
MouseCursor structs for several mouse cursor shapes.
bool bQuickKeyEnable 
UWindowHotkeyWindowList HotkeyWindows 
config float GUIScale 
float RealWidth, RealHeight 
Font Fonts[10] 
UWindowLookAndFeel LooksAndFeels[20] 
config string LookAndFeelClass 
Currently selected GUI skin.
bool bRequestQuit 
float QuitTime 
bool bAllowConsole 

Known subclasses[edit]