Cogito, ergo sum
Legacy:Weapon (UT)
From Unreal Wiki, The Unreal Engine Documentation Site
Actor >> Inventory (UT) >> Weapon
The thing you use to shoot stuff and kill monsters and other players with.
- Sometimes you can hurt yourself very badly with it too ...use with caution.
Remember: Guns don't kill people. Bullets do.
Wormbo:Usually this is true. But in Unreal/UT some weapons don't use projectiles, so here really the guns kill the people. ;)
- float MaxTargetRange
- Maximum distance to target. (not used?)
- class<Ammo (UT)> AmmoName
- Type of ammo used.
- byte ReloadCount
- Amount of ammo depletion before reloading. 0 if no reloading is done. (not used)
- int PickupAmmoCount
- Amount of ammo initially in pick-up item.
- Ammo (UT) AmmoType [travel, replicated to owning client]
- Inventory Ammo being used.
- bool bCanThrow
- if true, player can toss this weapon out
- bool bWeaponStay
- The weapon stays on the map after it has been picked up, but players can't pick it up again if they already have it.
- bool bOwnsCrosshair
- This weapon is responsible for drawing its own crosshair (in its PostRender function). The default crosshair is not drawn when this is true.
- bool bSpecialIcon
- The weapon's icon should always be drawn.
- bool bHideWeapon
- If true, weapon is not rendered. Set automatically when player configured hidden weapon. (PlayerPawn.Handedness=2)
- bool bMeleeWeapon
- Weapon is only a melee weapon.
- bool bRapidFire
- Used by human animations in determining firing animation (for still firing)
- float FiringSpeed
- Used by human animations in determining firing speed
- vector FireOffset
- Offset from drawing location for projectile/trace start
- class<Projectile (UT)> ProjectileClass
- Projectile used for primary firing mode when not bInstantHit.
- class<Projectile (UT)> AltProjectileClass
- Projectile used for secondary firing mode when not bAltInstantHit.
- bool bInstantHit
- If true, instant hit rather than projectile firing weapon for primary firing mode.
- bool bAltInstantHit
- If true, instant hit rather than projectile firing weapon for secondary firing mode.
- name MyDamageType
- Damage type for instant hit primary mode.
- name AltDamageType
- Damage type for instant hit secondary mode.
- float ProjectileSpeed
- Speed of ProjectileClass.
- float AltProjectileSpeed
- Speed of AltProjectileClass.
- bool bWeaponUp
- Used in Active State
- bool bChangeWeapon
- True, when the the player wants to change the weapon.
- bool bLockedOn
- Used e.g. by the rocket launcher to indicate a target lock.
- bool bPointing
- Indicates weapon is being pointed. Used by the AI.
- bool bWarnTarget
- When firing projectile, warn the target.
- bool bAltWarnTarget
- When firing alternate projectile, warn the target.
- bool bSplashDamage
- Used by bot AI
- bool bRecommendSplashDamage
- If true, bot preferentially tries to use splash damage rather than direct hits.
- bool bRecommendAltSplashDamage
- If true, bot preferentially tries to use splash damage rather than direct hits.
- float AimError
- Aim error for bots. (note this value doubled if instant hit weapon)
- float AIRating
- Base weapon rating for switching priority.
- float RefireRate
- Chance that bot continues to hold the fire button.
- float AltRefireRate
- Chance that bot continues to hold the alt-fire button.
- rotator AdjustedAim
- float ShakeMag
- float ShakeTime
- float ShakeVert
- sound FireSound
- sound AltFireSound
- sound CockingSound
- sound SelectSound
- sound Misc1Sound
- sound Misc2Sound
- sound Misc3Sound
HUD Messages[edit]
- string MessageNoAmmo [localized]
- This is displayed when the player wants to switch to this weapon while it has no ammo. This will be prefixed with the weapon's ItemName.
- string DeathMessage [localized]
- Default message to display when the player kills another player while holding this weapon. (also see Taking Damage)
- Color NameColor
- Used when drawing name on HUD when the HUD is reduced and the weapon change is indicated by text.
Muzzle Flash[edit]
- bool bSetFlashTime
- Used internally when drawing the 1st person muzzle flash.
- bool bDrawMuzzleFlash
- Should the 1st person muzzle flash be drawn?
- byte bMuzzleFlash
- The weapon is responsible for setting and clearing bMuzzleFlash whenever it wants the MFTexture drawn on the Canvas. Usually
is enough. - float FlashTime
- float MuzzleScale
- Scales the MFTexture when drawing it. This value is relative to a screen resolution of 640x480 and will be scaled for other resolutions.
- float FlashO
- This is responsible for the horizontal positioning of the MFTexture. (multiplied by the weapon's default FireOffset.Y and Canvas.ClipX/2, also multiplied by -0.2 when Handedness=0 or multiplied with Handedness in all other cases)
- float FlashY, FlashC
- Responsible for the vertical positioning of the MFTexture. FlashC is only used for Handedness=0. In this case it is added to FlashY. Finally the value is multiplied by Canvas.ClipY/2.
- float FlashLength
- Time to display the MFTexture until bMuzzleFlash is cleared automatically.
- int FlashS
- Specifies the size of the MFTexture/2.
- texture MFTexture
- 1st person muzzle flash texture. Height and width of this texture should be equal.
- texture MuzzleFlare
- float FlareOffset
Known Subclasses[edit]
- AutoMag
- DispersionPistol
- Eightball
- FlakCannon
- GESBioRifle
- Minigun
- QuadShot
- Rifle
- Stinger
- TournamentWeapon
Related Topics[edit]
- Message Placeholder used in the DeathMessage string
See also Default Properties For Weapons.
- Should the above page be moved to a subpage of this one?
Wormbo:The information of that page should be moved to the respective classes. e.g. DoubleName is a property of the Enforcer class and not available in any other weapon class.