Cogito, ergo sum

Legacy:Weapon (UT)

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Actor >> Inventory (UT) >> Weapon

The thing you use to shoot stuff and kill monsters and other players with.

Sometimes you can hurt yourself very badly with it too ...use with caution.

Remember: Guns don't kill people. Bullets do.

Wormbo:Usually this is true. But in Unreal/UT some weapons don't use projectiles, so here really the guns kill the people. ;)


float MaxTargetRange 
Maximum distance to target. (not used?)
class<Ammo (UT)> AmmoName 
Type of ammo used.
byte ReloadCount 
Amount of ammo depletion before reloading. 0 if no reloading is done. (not used)
int PickupAmmoCount 
Amount of ammo initially in pick-up item.
Ammo (UT) AmmoType [travel, replicated to owning client] 
Inventory Ammo being used.
bool bCanThrow 
if true, player can toss this weapon out
bool bWeaponStay 
The weapon stays on the map after it has been picked up, but players can't pick it up again if they already have it.
bool bOwnsCrosshair 
This weapon is responsible for drawing its own crosshair (in its PostRender function). The default crosshair is not drawn when this is true.
bool bSpecialIcon 
The weapon's icon should always be drawn.
bool bHideWeapon 
If true, weapon is not rendered. Set automatically when player configured hidden weapon. (PlayerPawn.Handedness=2)
bool bMeleeWeapon 
Weapon is only a melee weapon.
bool bRapidFire 
Used by human animations in determining firing animation (for still firing)
float FiringSpeed 
Used by human animations in determining firing speed
vector FireOffset 
Offset from drawing location for projectile/trace start
class<Projectile (UT)> ProjectileClass 
Projectile used for primary firing mode when not bInstantHit.
class<Projectile (UT)> AltProjectileClass 
Projectile used for secondary firing mode when not bAltInstantHit.
bool bInstantHit 
If true, instant hit rather than projectile firing weapon for primary firing mode.
bool bAltInstantHit 
If true, instant hit rather than projectile firing weapon for secondary firing mode.
name MyDamageType 
Damage type for instant hit primary mode.
name AltDamageType 
Damage type for instant hit secondary mode.
float ProjectileSpeed 
Speed of ProjectileClass.
float AltProjectileSpeed 
Speed of AltProjectileClass.
bool bWeaponUp 
Used in Active State
bool bChangeWeapon 
True, when the the player wants to change the weapon.
bool bLockedOn 
Used e.g. by the rocket launcher to indicate a target lock.
bool bPointing 
Indicates weapon is being pointed. Used by the AI.
bool bWarnTarget 
When firing projectile, warn the target.
bool bAltWarnTarget 
When firing alternate projectile, warn the target.
bool bSplashDamage 
Used by bot AI
bool bRecommendSplashDamage 
If true, bot preferentially tries to use splash damage rather than direct hits.
bool bRecommendAltSplashDamage 
If true, bot preferentially tries to use splash damage rather than direct hits.
float AimError 
Aim error for bots. (note this value doubled if instant hit weapon)
float AIRating 
Base weapon rating for switching priority.
float RefireRate 
Chance that bot continues to hold the fire button.
float AltRefireRate 
Chance that bot continues to hold the alt-fire button.
rotator AdjustedAim 
float ShakeMag 
float ShakeTime 
float ShakeVert 


sound FireSound 
sound AltFireSound 
sound CockingSound 
sound SelectSound 
sound Misc1Sound 
sound Misc2Sound 
sound Misc3Sound 

HUD Messages[edit]

string MessageNoAmmo [localized] 
This is displayed when the player wants to switch to this weapon while it has no ammo. This will be prefixed with the weapon's ItemName.
string DeathMessage [localized] 
Default message to display when the player kills another player while holding this weapon. (also see Taking Damage)
Color NameColor 
Used when drawing name on HUD when the HUD is reduced and the weapon change is indicated by text.

Muzzle Flash[edit]

bool bSetFlashTime 
Used internally when drawing the 1st person muzzle flash.
bool bDrawMuzzleFlash 
Should the 1st person muzzle flash be drawn?
byte bMuzzleFlash 
The weapon is responsible for setting and clearing bMuzzleFlash whenever it wants the MFTexture drawn on the Canvas. Usually bMuzzleFlash++; is enough.
float FlashTime 
float MuzzleScale 
Scales the MFTexture when drawing it. This value is relative to a screen resolution of 640x480 and will be scaled for other resolutions.
float FlashO 
This is responsible for the horizontal positioning of the MFTexture. (multiplied by the weapon's default FireOffset.Y and Canvas.ClipX/2, also multiplied by -0.2 when Handedness=0 or multiplied with Handedness in all other cases)
float FlashY, FlashC 
Responsible for the vertical positioning of the MFTexture. FlashC is only used for Handedness=0. In this case it is added to FlashY. Finally the value is multiplied by Canvas.ClipY/2.
float FlashLength 
Time to display the MFTexture until bMuzzleFlash is cleared automatically.
int FlashS 
Specifies the size of the MFTexture/2.
texture MFTexture 
1st person muzzle flash texture. Height and width of this texture should be equal.
texture MuzzleFlare 
float FlareOffset 

Known Subclasses[edit]

Related Topics[edit]

See also Default Properties For Weapons.

Should the above page be moved to a subpage of this one?

Wormbo:The information of that page should be moved to the respective classes. e.g. DoubleName is a property of the Enforcer class and not available in any other weapon class.