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UT2003 :: Actor >> xProcMesh (Package: Engine)

The xProcMesh actor creates a deformable surface similar to a FluidSurfaceInfo. The difference is that the xProcMesh can be deformed by damage, too.


xProcMesh Group[edit]

class<Effects> BigHitEffect 
float BigMomentumThreshold 
float BigTouchThreshold 
bool bRigidEdges 
bool CheckCollision 
float Dampening 
should be less than < 1.0
Range DampeningRange 
Range ForceClamp 
float ForceAttenuation 
class<Effects> HitEffect 
float InfluenceRadius 
Range MovementClamp 
float Noise 
Range NoiseForce 
Range NoiseTimer 
EProcMeshType ProcType 
float RestTension 
float ShootStrength 
float Tension 
float TouchStrength 

Force Group[edit]

bool bForceAffected 

UnrealScript-Only Properties[edit]

array<ProcMeshVertex> Vertices (const) 
array<int> SectionOffsets (const) 
float NoiseCounter (transient) 
pointer pProcData (const, transient) 
// todo: take this out and serialize most things






Vector Position 
Vector Normal 
Color Color 
float U, V 


Inherited From [Actor]][edit]

TakeDamage (int Damage, Pawn instigatedBy, Vector hitlocation, Vector momentum, class<DamageType> damageType) [simulated] 
Deforms the surface based on the given momentum and spawns the HitEffect or the BigHitEffect.
Touch (Actor Other) [simulated] 
Deforms the surface based on the actor's velocity if the actor can disturb fluid surfaces, i.e. its bDisturbFluidSurface property is set to True. In that case the HitEffect or BigHitEffect is spawned.

Native Functions[edit]

ProcPling (vector Position, float Strength, float Radius, out vector EffectLocation, out vector EffectNormal) [native, final] 
Deforms the surface at the specified location (Z component is ignored).