Worst-case scenario: the UEd Goblin wipes the map and burns down your house.
From Unreal Wiki, The Unreal Engine Documentation Site
My name is Nick Parker and my UT name and others is Zxanphorian (not to be confused and/or linked with Xan, the boss), Zxan for short.
- Legacy:Zxanphorian/MapPlanningRant – Started as my first solid page on the wiki, but has grown and has been enhanced by other users.
- Legacy:Zxanphorian/Developer Journal – My journals of map-making (or lack of).
- Legacy:Zxanphorian/Screenshots – A page that contains screenshots of stuff I made for the Unreal Engine.
MythOpus: Its Zxan! How are you man?
Zxanphorian: I'm not bad, other than falling off the face of the Unreal Wiki for a few years. Sorry to say but the status of CTF-Afterlife in UT2004 is that it is dead. I'm going to start it from scratch in UT3 and hopefully fix things in it that I did not like in the previous rendition.
MythOpus: Well I hope all goes well with this version. And may your hard drive never crash until its been released. Welcome back :)