Gah - a solution with more questions. – EntropicLqd
Legacy talk:Actor (UT)/Display
From Unreal Wiki, The Unreal Engine Documentation Site
Revision as of 14:49, 22 May 2015 by Gustavo6046 (Talk | contribs)
"RGB(127,127,127) is transparent" - I just noticed this and this sentence is wrong. The actual value for modulated *full transparency* is RGB(128,128,128), not 127. A simple test like making 2 decals with 127 and 128 respectively as background, and then keep adding them to a wall will show that the 127 one will eventually show the background as it darkens, while the 128 keeps transparent.
Gustavo6046: I wish to put it in "DT_Brush" mode, especifically one I made for a Tazer Box (TazerPistol TournamentAmmo), and the Tazer Pistol fires kraal bolts and altfires tentacle projectiles.
How do I put one brush in DT_Brush display?