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From Unreal Wiki, The Unreal Engine Documentation Site
Page title matches
- 3 KB (343 words) - 10:10, 17 May 2008
Page text matches
- {{classbox| [[Legacy:Actor|Actor]] >> [[Legacy:Pawn (UT)|Pawn (UT)]] >> [[Legacy:PlayerPawn|PlayerPawn]] >> [[Legacy:Spectator|Spectator]] >> * [[Legacy:UTServerAdminSpectator (UT)|UTServerAdminSpectator (UT)]] ...374 bytes (36 words) - 09:41, 20 April 2002
- #REDIRECT [[UE1:UTServerAdminSpectator (UT)#PlayerMessage]] [[Category:UT-specific structs|{{PAGENAME}}]] ...105 bytes (9 words) - 10:11, 17 May 2008
- '''Type:''' [[class]]<{{cl|UTServerAdminSpectator}}> '''Default value:''' [[Types#Class|Class]]'{{cl|UTServerAdminSpectator|UTServerAdmin}}' ...6 KB (699 words) - 10:10, 17 May 2008
- * # Put a link to "{classname} (UT)", substituting the current classname ...Change the box at the top of the UT class to start with "<code>[[Legacy:UT|UT]] ::</code>" for clarity. ...19 KB (2,280 words) - 05:05, 19 May 2007
- * # Put a link to "{classname} (UT)", substituting the current classname ...Change the box at the top of the UT class to start with "<code>[[Legacy:UT|UT]] ::</code>" for clarity. ...11 KB (1,070 words) - 06:28, 14 January 2009
- '''Default value:''' "UT Remote Admin Server" '''Type:''' {{cl|UTServerAdminSpectator}} ...10 KB (1,241 words) - 10:11, 17 May 2008
- '''Default value:''' "UT Remote Admin Server" '''Type:''' {{cl|UTServerAdminSpectator}} ...11 KB (1,326 words) - 10:11, 17 May 2008