I'm a doctor, not a mechanic
Talk:Toolbar Creator
Old Discussion[edit]
Legal: This is for UED2 or 3?
Jan: some UEd3 commands (30 or so) doesn't work in UEd2 but the most are for both Editors
Tarquin: Do you have a list? :) and are there any commands new to UEd 3?
Jan: I've a list (only TXT) but what's new and what's not isn't commented. But I'll create a new list with separated commands for both versions and I'll release it later if you want.
Tarquin: If you know which ones don't work in UED3, could you grab the list on UnrealEd 2 Console, copy it to UnrealEd Console & just kill the ones which no longer work? :)
Jan: Yes, I'll do it and I'll release an UnrealEd Command Reference document later
Jan: New version is now available for download
Tarquin: Hi Jan. I just got your email about 2 weeks late – my PU mail has been down for ages. Do you still need help testing the latest version?
Jan: This version is out since some weeks. No more tests required. Contact me with an other mail if I have any questions...PU sucks.
Dr.AwkwArD: This may be a little out of place, but since I was gonna use Toolbar Creator to do it... Basically, I'm wondering of there's a way for me to create a button that would embed a user-specified package into MyLevel. I know that I can explicitly define which package will be loaded (as that's a standard console command), but is there a way for me to allow the level designer to browse-for/type-the-name-of the package to be embedded? This just seems like it'd be a rather handy tool...
Tarquin: Toolbar commands are limited to what you can do in the console. So basically, no.
Dr.AwkwArD: That's what I figured. What a shame. Epic gave us a pretty cool tool, but I sure would be nice to have just a little more flexibility. Ah well...