Once I get that upgrade to 36-hour days, I will tackle that. – Mychaeel

UE1:CARifleClip (RTNP)

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RTNP Object >> Actor >> Inventory >> Pickup >> Ammo >> CARifleClip



CARifleClip.uc $Author: Deb $ $Date: 4/23/99 12:13p $ $Revision: 1 $

Default values[edit]

Property Value
AmmoAmount 50
bCollideActors True
CollisionHeight 20.0
CollisionRadius 15.0
DrawScale 2.5
Icon Texture'UPak.Skins.CARAmmoI'
MaxAmmo 400
MaxDesireability 0.24
Mesh LodMesh'UPak.CARammo'
PickupMessage "You got a 50 bullet CAR clip."
PickupSound Sound'UnrealShare.Pickups.AmmoSnd'
PickupViewMesh LodMesh'UPak.CARammo'
PickupViewScale 3.5
UsedInWeaponSlot[3] 1