The three virtues of a programmer: Laziness, Impatience, and Hubris. – Larry Wall

UE1:CSMaleOne (RTNP)

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RTNP Object >> Actor >> Pawn >> PlayerPawn >> UnrealIPlayer >> CSPlayer >> CSHuman >> CSMale >> CSMaleOne

The Unreal Director's Suite Release version: Jan 7th, 1999

[ CSMaleOne ]

Simply a subclass (it's 100% exact to the original Unreal Code) for handling players.

Default values

Property Value
CarcassType Class'UnrealI.MaleOneCarcass'
Mesh LodMesh'UnrealI.Male1'
Skin Texture'UnrealShare.Skins.Kurgan'

Instance functions


simulated function PlayMetalStep ()