UE1:SpeedShadow (UT)

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UT Object >> Actor >> Effects >> SpeedShadow

A "shadow" effect left behind by players with the Relic of Speed (RelicSpeedInventory) that is spawned by the SpeedShell.

Default values

Property Value
AnimRate 17.0
bAnimLoop True
bHighDetail True
bOwnerNoSee True
bUnlit True
DrawType DT_Mesh
LODBias 0.1
Mesh LodMesh'Botpack.Soldier'
RemoteRole ROLE_None
Style STY_Translucent



simulated event PostBeginPlay ()

Overrides: Actor.PostBeginPlay

Copies the player's current mesh, skins and animation frame, except that it is made translucent.


simulated event Tick (float Delta)

Overrides: Actor.Tick

Fades out the speed shadow so it vanishes after 1/3rd of a second. At this point the SpeedShadow is destroyed.