UE1:SpeedShadow (UT)
From Unreal Wiki, The Unreal Engine Documentation Site
- Package:
- Relics
A "shadow" effect left behind by players with the Relic of Speed (RelicSpeedInventory) that is spawned by the SpeedShell.
Default values
Property | Value |
AnimRate | 17.0 |
bAnimLoop | True |
bHighDetail | True |
bOwnerNoSee | True |
bUnlit | True |
DrawType | DT_Mesh |
LODBias | 0.1 |
Mesh | LodMesh'Botpack.Soldier' |
RemoteRole | ROLE_None |
Style | STY_Translucent |
simulated event PostBeginPlay ()
Overrides: Actor.PostBeginPlay
Copies the player's current mesh, skins and animation frame, except that it is made translucent.
simulated event Tick (float Delta)
Overrides: Actor.Tick
Fades out the speed shadow so it vanishes after 1/3rd of a second. At this point the SpeedShadow is destroyed.