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Difference between revisions of "UE1:UE1PreProcessorCommandlet"

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m (Operators in conditional statement and write directive)
m (Operators in conditional statement and write directive)
Line 174: Line 174:
| greater
| greater
| float, integer
| float, integer
| '''!'''
| negation, works as `ifndef

Revision as of 02:42, 5 October 2008


This is preprocessor in form of ucc commandlet.


Copy files in the archive to your <UTdir> folder.


link: (~93 kb)


In order to use preprocessor you have to call ucc with following parameters:

ucc uengineppc.parse project=[<project_dir>/<project_file>]  [-option...] [-globals...]


  • <project_dir> - relative project directory.
  • <project_file> - file (.upc extension) conaining all options. If file is detected, no fuhrer modifiers are checked


  • -clean - deletes preprocessor directives from .uc file
  • -debug - turns on debug mode (prints every operation on parsed .uc file)
  • -printglobals - prints all global variables
  • -normalizeeol - tries to find \r and \n and change them into \r\n
  • -bIsPackage - when defining <project_dir> you can type only name of package. Path will be detected automatically.


Each other parameter will be concidered as global variable. If = is not detected, global variable is equal null. Example:

   val1=1 val val2=3 


Currently supported directives are:

directive description
`process should be in the first line of .uc file. Tells preprocessor to parse file
`include(file) embade file in the currently opened .uc (do not parses it)
`include(file,false) embade file in the currently opened .uc (do not parses it)
`include(file,true) embade file in the currently opened .uc and parses it
`require(file) embade file in the currently opened .uc (do not parses it). If required file doesn't exists, it stops parsing current file and produce error.
`require(file,false) embade file in the currently opened .uc (do not parses it). If required file doesn't exists, it stops parsing current file and produce error.
`require(file,true) embade file in the currently opened .uc and parses it. If required file doesn't exists, it stops parsing current file and produce error.
`define(name) defines variable name (used in `ifdef and `ifndef directives)
`define(name,value) defines variable name with specified value (used in `if and ternary operation)
`undef(name) removes name from local definitions
`error(name1,true) produces error message and exits commandlet
`error(name1) produces error message and stops parsing current file
`warn(name1) produces warning message
`log(name1) produces message
`ifdef(name) evaluates to true if variable name is defined
`ifndef(name) evaluates to true if variable name is not defined
`if(name1==name2) evaluates to true if variable name1 equals variable name2. Used in strings, floats, integers.
`if(name1<name2) evaluates to true if variable name1 does not match variable name2. Used in strings, floats, integers.
`if(name1>name2) evaluates to true if variable name1 is greater then variable name2. Used in floats, integers.
`if(name1<name2) evaluates to true if variable name1 is less then name2. Used in floats, integers.
`else part of conditional statement
`endif ends conditional statement
`write(name) writes defined variable name
`write(name1==name2option1:option2) if statemente evaluate to true (variable name1 equals variable name2) writes option1 otherwise writes option 2
`write(name1<>name2?option1:option2) if statemente evaluate to true (variable name1 does not match variable name2) writes option1 otherwise writes option 2
`write(name1>name2?option1:option2) if statemente evaluate to true (variable name1 is greater then variable name2) writes option1 otherwise writes option 2
`write(name1<name2?option1:option2) if statemente evaluate to true (variable name1 is less then variable name2) writes option1 otherwise writes option 2
`write(name1?option1:option2) if statemente evaluate to true (variable name1 is defined) writes option1 otherwise writes option 2
`import(directory,extension,type,group,lodset,flags,package) can be used to import textures/sounds from chosen directory

Notice that all variables used in directive `if and trenary operation are parsed in following order:

  1. Returns value from global variables if correct name is found, otherwise...
  2. Returns value from local variables if correct name is found, otherwise...
  3. Assumes that name is value.

`import details:

As type you can use only TEXTURE and SOUND. If extension will be uax or utx preprocessor will create #exec obj load instead of #exec type import. For example code below:


Will make preprocessor iterate through all files in folder <UT>/<Project>/tex in search for all *.pcx files. When file with extension pcx will be found, preprocessor will create UScript #exec directive to import texture into group HUD. Group, LodStet, Flags and Package parameters are optional. Result will look like:

#exec TEXTURE IMPORT NAME=Tex001 FILE="tex/Tex001.pcx"
#exec TEXTURE IMPORT NAME=Tex002 FILE="tex/Tex002.pcx"
#exec TEXTURE IMPORT NAME=Tex003 FILE="tex/Tex003.pcx"

Operators in conditional statement and write directive

operator description type
== equal string, float, integer, bool
<> not equal string, float, integer, bool
>= greeter or equal float, integer
<= less or equal float, integer
< less float, integer
> greater float, integer
! negation, works as `ifndef


Macros are in fact hardcoded constants. Each macro will write something in currently parsed .uc file. Currently supported macros are:

  • __FILE__ - will write name of currently parsed file
  • __CLASS__ - will write name of currently parsed class
  • __DATE__ - will write time

Project file

Project file must have upc extension, and 'path' must be relative to ucc.exe location. Default location to files with preprocessor Unreal Script files is:


parsed .uc files will be stored in:


Here's all commands for project file.

[project]                 - project informations
path=path                 - path to project
debug=true                - turns on debug mode (prints every operation on parsed .uc)
make=true                 - if true ucc commandlet will run make after parsing all files
make_ini=make.ini         - ini used in ucc make commandlet
clean=true                - if true will delete preprocessor directives
output=folder             - override default output folder where parsed .uc files are written
input=folder              - override default input folder where parsed .uc files are stored
bIsPackage=true           - when defining path you can type only name of package. Path will be detected automatically.
[globals]                 - group contatin global variables for whole project
someglobal=somevalue      - global variable (sample)




Let's say you have project file in <UDir>/system called REmitter.upc with content:


and classes:


// Base class for emitter related actors.
// Quaternion implementation originally written by UsAaR33.
class REmitterBase extends Actor native;
struct Quat
	var() config float W, X, Y, Z;
//converts rotator to quaternion
native`write(__NUM_NATIVES__==1?(2330):) static final function Quat RotationToQuat( rotator R, bool bHighPrecision);


// Copyright 2005-2008 Dead Cow Studios. All Rights Reserved.
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
// Coder: Raven
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
// Last revision: __DATE__
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

You run preprocessor and:

  1. directive `process is found, so preprocessor knows that this class has to be parsed.
  2. directive `include is found. Preprocessor embade file default_header.uc and parses it
  3. macro __DATE__ is found and current date is inserted at its place
  4. directive `write is found. Because expression evaluates to ture first value - (2330) - is inserted at it's place

output .uc file will look like this:

// Copyright 2005-2008 Dead Cow Studios. All Rights Reserved.
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
// Coder: Raven
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
// Last revision: 21-9-2008 20:1
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
// Base class for emitter related actors.
// Quaternion implementation originally written by UsAaR33.
class REmitterBase extends Actor native;
struct Quat
	var() config float W, X, Y, Z;
//converts rotator to quaternion
native(2330) static final function Quat RotationToQuat( rotator R, bool bHighPrecision);


  • v 0.2.56
    • new directive `import used to create #exec directive for large number of textures/sounds
  • v 0.1.35
    • fixed directive `write bug (now it doesn't ignore defined variables)
  • v 0.1.5
    • added new option bIsPackage
  • v 0.1.4
    • fixed bug with inline `write directive
  • v 0.1.1
    • initial release