UE1:XanMk2 (UT)

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UT Object >> Actor >> Pawn >> PlayerPawn >> TournamentPlayer >> SkeletalPlayer >> XanMk2


Default values

Property Value
CarcassType Class'BotPack.TBossCarcass'
Deaths[0] Sound'Botpack.Boss.BDeath1'
Deaths[1] Sound'Botpack.Boss.BDeath1'
Deaths[2] Sound'Botpack.Boss.BDeath3'
Deaths[3] Sound'Botpack.Boss.BDeath4'
Deaths[4] Sound'Botpack.Boss.BDeath3'
Deaths[5] Sound'Botpack.Boss.BDeath4'
Die Sound'Botpack.Boss.BDeath1'
HitSound1 Sound'Botpack.Boss.BInjur1'
HitSound2 Sound'Botpack.Boss.BInjur2'
HitSound3 Sound'Botpack.Boss.BInjur3'
HitSound4 Sound'Botpack.Boss.BInjur4'
JumpSound Sound'Botpack.Boss.BJump1'
LandGrunt Sound'Botpack.Boss.Bland01'
MenuName "Xan Mark II"
Mesh SkeletalMesh'SkeletalChars.NewXan'
SelectionMesh "SkeletalChars.NewXan"
SpecialMesh "Botpack.TrophyMale1"
StatusBelt Texture'Botpack.Icons.BossBelt'
StatusDoll Texture'Botpack.Icons.BossDoll'
VoicePackMetaClass "BotPack.VoiceBoss"
VoiceType "BotPack.VoiceBoss"

Static functions


static function SetMultiSkin (Actor SkinActor, string SkinName, string FaceName, byte TeamNum)

Overrides: TournamentPlayer.SetMultiSkin