UE2:ActionMessage_BR (UT2004)

From Unreal Wiki, The Unreal Engine Documentation Site
UT2004 Object >> Actor >> Info >> LocalMessage >> CriticalEventPlus >> ActionMessage >> ActionMessage_BR
This class in other games:


Default values

Property Value
Messages[0] "Bombing Run"
Messages[10] "Good luck!"
Messages[1] "The ball is in the center"
Messages[2] "Touch the ball to pick it up"
Messages[3] "The ball carrier cannot attack"
Messages[4] "Primary fire shoots ball"
Messages[5] "Alternate fire targets teammates"
Messages[6] "Pass the ball to teammates"
Messages[7] "Each team has a round goal"
Messages[8] "Throwing the ball = 3 points"
Messages[9] "Carrying it = 7 points"