UE2:Actor events (UT2004): Difference between revisions

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(42 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
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This event gets called when the animation playing on ''Channel'' has ended.

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This is called when the base of this actor changes.

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This event is called when a game-play starts.

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This event broadcasts a localized message to all players.

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This event is called when another actor bumps this one and is blocked.

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This event gets called after the successful destruction of an actor.

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Called when ''Other'' is taking this actor's space.

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This event is called when this actor is trying to take the same space of ''Other''.

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This is called when '''Rotation''' as reached '''DesiredRotation'''. (?)

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This event is called when the actor begins to fall (probably only with pawns).

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This event is called when the actor gets out of the world. This can happen in Subtractive levels, where the outside of the world (called zone 0) is the space that wasn't subtracted.

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This event is called when this actor becomes the owner of ''Other''.

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This event is called when the actor hits a wall.

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This event is called when the actor hits the ground.
(The difference between a wall and the floor is given by an angle(unknown angle value))

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This event is called when this actor is no longer the owner of ''Other''.

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This event is called when the actor is changing to a new [[UE2:PhysicsVolume (UT2004)]].

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This event is called after game-play begins and before replication.

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This event is called after the actor has been teleported into ''OutTeleporter''.

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This event gets called after two actors touch each other and after physics are done.

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This event is called before game-play starts.

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This is called before the teleporter ''InTeleporter'' teleports this actor. Return false to allow this actor to be teleported, and true to prevent it from being teleported.

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This event is called when ''Tex'' has this actor set as '''NotifyActor'' and needs to be rendered.

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This event is called after '''PostBeginPlay''' to set the initial state of the actor.

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This event is called every cycle of the game's main loop. ''DeltaTime'' represents how much time has passed (in seconds) since the last cycle (since the last time ''Tick'' was called).

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This event gets called when '''SetTimer (float NewTimerRate, bool bLoop)''' is used. If ''bLoop'' is set to true, then this event will be called every x seconds (NewTimerRate), otherwise it only gets called once and after x seconds (NewTimerRate) have passed since the call to ''SetTimer''. To stop the timer, one has to call '''SetTimer (0, false)'''.

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This event is called when another actor touches this one.

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This is called when ''Other'' stops touching this actor.

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This event gets called when a ''Player'' or ''Bot'' presses the '''Use''' key on this actor.

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This event is called when the actor is changing to a new zone.

Latest revision as of 04:49, 4 July 2012

UT2004 Object >> Actor (events)
Actor events in other games:
Other member categories for this class:



event AnimEnd (int Channel)

This event gets called when the animation playing on Channel has ended.


event Attach (Actor Other)


event BaseChange ()

This is called when the base of this actor changes.


event BeginEvent ()


event BeginPlay ()

This event is called when a game-play starts.


event BroadcastLocalizedMessage (class<LocalMessageMessageClass, optional int Switch, optional PlayerReplicationInfo RelatedPRI_1, optional PlayerReplicationInfo RelatedPRI_2, optional Object OptionalObject)

This event broadcasts a localized message to all players.


event Bump (Actor Other)

This event is called when another actor bumps this one and is blocked.


event ClientTrigger ()


event Destroyed ()

This event gets called after the successful destruction of an actor.


event Detach (Actor Other)


event EncroachedBy (Actor Other)

Called when Other is taking this actor's space.


event bool EncroachingOn (Actor Other)

This event is called when this actor is trying to take the same space of Other.


event EndedRotation ()

This is called when Rotation as reached DesiredRotation. (?)


event EndEvent ()


event Falling ()

This event is called when the actor begins to fall (probably only with pawns).


simulated event FellOutOfWorld (eKillZType KillType)

This event is called when the actor gets out of the world. This can happen in Subtractive levels, where the outside of the world (called zone 0) is the space that wasn't subtracted.


event FinishedInterpolation ()


event GainedChild (Actor Other)

This event is called when this actor becomes the owner of Other.


event HitWall (Object.Vector HitNormal, Actor HitWall)

This event is called when the actor hits a wall.


event KApplyForce (out Object.Vector Force, out Object.Vector Torque)


event KilledBy (Pawn EventInstigator)


event KImpact (Actor other, Object.Vector pos, Object.Vector impactVel, Object.Vector impactNorm)


event KSkelConvulse ()


event bool KUpdateState (out KRigidBodyState newState)


event KVelDropBelow ()


event Landed (Object.Vector HitNormal)

This event is called when the actor hits the ground. (The difference between a wall and the floor is given by an angle(unknown angle value))


event LIPSincAnimEnd ()


event LostChild (Actor Other)

This event is called when this actor is no longer the owner of Other.


event PhysicsVolumeChange (PhysicsVolume NewVolume)

This event is called when the actor is changing to a new UE2:PhysicsVolume (UT2004).


event PostBeginPlay ()

This event is called after game-play begins and before replication.


event PostLoadSavedGame ()


event PostNetBeginPlay ()


event PostNetReceive ()


event PostTeleport (Teleporter OutTeleporter)

This event is called after the actor has been teleported into OutTeleporter.


event PostTouch (Actor Other)

This event gets called after two actors touch each other and after physics are done.


event PreBeginPlay ()

This event is called before game-play starts.


event PreSaveGame ()


event bool PreTeleport (Teleporter InTeleporter)

This is called before the teleporter InTeleporter teleports this actor. Return false to allow this actor to be teleported, and true to prevent it from being teleported.


event RanInto (Actor Other)


event RecoverFromBadStateCode ()


event RenderTexture (ScriptedTexture Tex)

This event is called when Tex has this actor set as 'NotifyActor and needs to be rendered.


simulated event SetInitialState ()

This event is called after PostBeginPlay to set the initial state of the actor.


event Actor SpecialHandling (Pawn Other)


event TakeDamage (int Damage, Pawn EventInstigator, Object.Vector HitLocation, Object.Vector Momentum, class<DamageTypeDamageType)


event Tick (float DeltaTime)

This event is called every cycle of the game's main loop. DeltaTime represents how much time has passed (in seconds) since the last cycle (since the last time Tick was called).


event Timer ()

This event gets called when SetTimer (float NewTimerRate, bool bLoop) is used. If bLoop is set to true, then this event will be called every x seconds (NewTimerRate), otherwise it only gets called once and after x seconds (NewTimerRate) have passed since the call to SetTimer. To stop the timer, one has to call SetTimer (0, false).


event TornOff ()


event Touch (Actor Other)

This event is called when another actor touches this one.


event TravelPostAccept ()


event TravelPreAccept ()


event Trigger (Actor Other, Pawn EventInstigator)


simulated event TriggerEvent (name EventName, Actor Other, Pawn EventInstigator)


event UnTouch (Actor Other)

This is called when Other stops touching this actor.


event UnTrigger (Actor Other, Pawn EventInstigator)


event UsedBy (Pawn user)

This event gets called when a Player or Bot presses the Use key on this actor.


event ZoneChange (ZoneInfo NewZone)

This event is called when the actor is changing to a new zone.