UE2:JoeTestPanelB (UT2003)

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UT2003 Object >> GUI >> GUIComponent >> GUIMultiComponent >> GUIPanel >> GUITabPanel >> JoeTestPanelB
This class in other games:

Class: XInterface.JoeTestPanelA Parent: XInterface.GUITabPanel

<Enter a description here>

Default values

Property Value
Background Material'InterfaceContent.Backgrounds.bg09'
Controls[0] GUIEditBox'TestEditB'
WinHeight 0.4
WinTop 0.6



Class: XInterface.GUIEditBox

Property Value
TextStr "DAMN HOT"
WinHeight 48.0
WinLeft 0.1
WinTop 0.5
WinWidth 0.8

Instance functions


function InitPanel ()

Overrides: GUITabPanel.InitPanel