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UE2:LineManager (U2XMP)

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U2XMP Object >> Actor >> ParticleGenerator >> LineManager
Known classes within LineManager:
This class in other games:

$Author: Aleiby $ $Date: 2/25/02 8:19p $ $Revision: 2 $ Name: LineManager.uc Author: Aaron R Leiby Date: 22 August 2000 Description: How to use this class:

From UnrealScript:

class'Singleton'.static.GetInstance( Level, class'LineManager', Name ).AddLinePS( ... ); -- Name is optional. Use it if you want a unique set of lines for your own use. Any name will do.

From C++:

USingleton::StaticGetInstance( GetLevel(), "ParticleSystems.LineManager", Name )->AddLinePS( ... );

From C++ (in non-ParticleSystems dependant packages):

struct LMParms { FVector Start FVector End FVvector Color UBOOL bDirected FLOAT ArrowOffset FLOAT ArrowWidth FLOAT ArrowHeight FVector ArrowColor };

LMParms Parms; Parms.Start = ...; // Fill in all parameters. UObject* LM=USingleton::StaticGetInstance( GetLevel(), "ParticleSystems.LineManager", Name ); LM->UObject::ProcessEvent( LM->FindFunction( FName(TEXT("AddLinePS"),FNAME_Intrinsic)), Parms );

From C++ (in UnrealEd):

UBOOL GIsScriptableSaved=1; Exchange(GIsScriptable,GIsScriptableSaved); LMParms Parms; Parms.Start = ...; // Fill in all parameters. UObject* LM=USingleton::StaticGetInstance( GetLevel(), "ParticleSystems.LineManager", Name ); LM->UObject::ProcessEvent( LM->FindFunction( FName(TEXT("AddLinePS"),FNAME_Intrinsic)), Parms ); Exchange(GIsScriptable,GIsScriptableSaved);

class'Singleton'.static.GetInstance( Level, class'LineManager', Name ).Clean();

-- This will clear all existing lines for this instance.

Use bHidden to toggle lines on/off.
Set bClip to false if you want lines to show through geometry -- this may not currently work in all renderers.

Default values[edit]

Property Value
bMustFace False
VisibilityHeight 0.0
VisibilityRadius 0.0


Native functions[edit]


public native event AddLinePS (Object.Vector Start, Object.Vector End, optional Object.Color Color, optional bool bDirected, optional float ArrowOffset, optional float ArrowWidth, optional float ArrowHeight, optional Object.Color ArrowColor)

Other instance functions[edit]


function DefineDependants ()