UE2:LineManager (U2XMP)

From Unreal Wiki, The Unreal Engine Documentation Site
U2XMP Object >> Actor >> ParticleGenerator >> LineManager
Known classes within LineManager:
This class in other games:

$Author: Aleiby $ $Date: 2/25/02 8:19p $ $Revision: 2 $ Name: LineManager.uc Author: Aaron R Leiby Date: 22 August 2000 Description: How to use this class:

+ From UnrealScript:

class'Singleton'.static.GetInstance( Level, class'LineManager', Name ).AddLinePS( ... ); -- Name is optional. Use it if you want a unique set of lines for your own use. Any name will do.

+ From C++:

USingleton::StaticGetInstance( GetLevel(), "ParticleSystems.LineManager", Name )->AddLinePS( ... );

+ From C++ (in non-ParticleSystems dependant packages):

struct LMParms { FVector Start FVector End FVvector Color UBOOL bDirected FLOAT ArrowOffset FLOAT ArrowWidth FLOAT ArrowHeight FVector ArrowColor };

LMParms Parms; Parms.Start = ...; // Fill in all parameters. UObject* LM=USingleton::StaticGetInstance( GetLevel(), "ParticleSystems.LineManager", Name ); LM->UObject::ProcessEvent( LM->FindFunction( FName(TEXT("AddLinePS"),FNAME_Intrinsic)), Parms );

+ From C++ (in UnrealEd):

UBOOL GIsScriptableSaved=1; Exchange(GIsScriptable,GIsScriptableSaved); LMParms Parms; Parms.Start = ...; // Fill in all parameters. UObject* LM=USingleton::StaticGetInstance( GetLevel(), "ParticleSystems.LineManager", Name ); LM->UObject::ProcessEvent( LM->FindFunction( FName(TEXT("AddLinePS"),FNAME_Intrinsic)), Parms ); Exchange(GIsScriptable,GIsScriptableSaved);

+ class'Singleton'.static.GetInstance( Level, class'LineManager', Name ).Clean(); -- This will clear all existing lines for this instance.

+ Use bHidden to toggle lines on/off. + Set bClip to false if you want lines to show through geometry -- this may not currently work in all renderers.

Default values

Property Value
bMustFace False
VisibilityHeight 0.0
VisibilityRadius 0.0


Native functions


public native event AddLinePS (Object.Vector Start, Object.Vector End, optional Object.Color Color, optional bool bDirected, optional float ArrowOffset, optional float ArrowWidth, optional float ArrowHeight, optional Object.Color ArrowColor)

Other instance functions


function DefineDependants ()