I love the smell of UnrealEd crashing in the morning. – tarquin

UE2:ONSPowerLinkOfficialSetup (UT2004)

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UT2004 Object >> Actor >> ONSPowerLinkOfficialSetup

Official PowerLink setups for Onslaught maps (can't be deleted) Should be placed in the map

For easy creation, use the console command "CopyLinkSetup" while in the map. Then open the map in UnrealEd, use Paste, and open the properties of the new actor to give it a SetupName.


Property group 'LinkSetup'[edit]


Type: array<ONSOnslaughtGame.PowerLinkSetup>


Type: string

Default value: "Default"

Default values[edit]

Property Value
bBlockNonZeroExtentTraces False
bBlockZeroExtentTraces False
bHidden True
bMovable False
bStasis True
RemoteRole ROLE_None