UE2:Tab_HudSettings defaults (UT2003)

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Tab_HudSettings defaults in other games:
Other member categories for this class:

Default values

Property Value
Controls[0] GUIImage'GameBK'
Controls[1] GUIImage'GameBK1'
Controls[10] moNumericEdit'GameHudMessageOffset'
Controls[11] GUILabel'GameHudScaleLabel'
Controls[12] GUISlider'GameHudScale'
Controls[13] GUILabel'GameHudOpacityLabel'
Controls[14] GUISlider'GameHudOpacity'
Controls[15] moCheckBox'GameHudShowEnemyNames'
Controls[2] moCheckBox'GameHudVisible'
Controls[3] moCheckBox'GameHudShowWeaponInfo'
Controls[4] moCheckBox'GameHudShowPersonalInfo'
Controls[5] moCheckBox'GameHudShowScore'
Controls[6] moCheckBox'GameHudShowWeaponBar'
Controls[7] moCheckBox'GameHudShowPortraits'
Controls[8] moNumericEdit'GameHudMessageCount'
Controls[9] moNumericEdit'GameHudMessageScale'
WinHeight 0.74
WinTop 0.15



Class: XInterface.GUIImage

Property Value
Image Material'InterfaceContent.Menu.BorderBoxD'
Member Value
A 160
B 255
G 255
R 255
ImageRenderStyle MSTY_Alpha
ImageStyle ISTY_Stretched
WinHeight 0.803125
WinLeft 0.029297
WinTop 0.130208
WinWidth 0.427148


Class: XInterface.GUIImage

Property Value
Image Material'InterfaceContent.Menu.BorderBoxD'
Member Value
A 160
B 255
G 255
R 255
ImageRenderStyle MSTY_Alpha
ImageStyle ISTY_Stretched
WinHeight 0.803125
WinLeft 0.517578
WinTop 0.130208
WinWidth 0.448633


Class: XInterface.moNumericEdit

Property Value
Caption "Max. Chat Count"
CaptionWidth 0.7
ComponentJustification TXTA_Left
Hint ""
IniOption "@Internal"
MaxValue 8
MinValue 0
OnLoadINI InternalOnLoadINI
WinHeight 0.06
WinLeft 0.550781
WinTop 0.196875
WinWidth 0.38125


Class: XInterface.moNumericEdit

Property Value
Caption "Message Font Size"
CaptionWidth 0.7
ComponentJustification TXTA_Left
Hint ""
IniOption "@Internal"
MaxValue 4
MinValue 0
OnLoadINI InternalOnLoadINI
WinHeight 0.06
WinLeft 0.550781
WinTop 0.436457
WinWidth 0.38125


Class: XInterface.moNumericEdit

Property Value
Caption "Chat Font Size"
CaptionWidth 0.7
ComponentJustification TXTA_Left
Hint ""
IniOption "@Internal"
MaxValue 8
MinValue 0
OnLoadINI InternalOnLoadINI
WinHeight 0.06
WinLeft 0.550781
WinTop 0.321874
WinWidth 0.38125


Class: XInterface.GUISlider

Property Value
Hint "Changes the opacity level of the hud."
IniOption "@Internal"
MaxValue 100.0
MinValue 0.0
OnLoadINI InternalOnLoadINI
WinLeft 0.592189
WinTop 0.80823
WinWidth 0.290625


Class: XInterface.GUILabel

Property Value
Caption "Hud Opacity"
TextAlign TXTA_Center
Member Value
A 255
B 255
G 255
R 255
WinHeight 32.0
WinLeft 0.516602
WinTop 0.7375
WinWidth 0.448438


Class: XInterface.GUISlider

Property Value
Hint "Changes the opacity level of the hud."
IniOption "@Internal"
MaxValue 100.0
MinValue 50.0
OnLoadINI InternalOnLoadINI
WinLeft 0.590626
WinTop 0.635312
WinWidth 0.292187


Class: XInterface.GUILabel

Property Value
Caption "Hud Scaling"
TextAlign TXTA_Center
Member Value
A 255
B 255
G 255
R 255
WinHeight 32.0
WinLeft 0.516602
WinTop 0.560417
WinWidth 0.448438


Class: XInterface.moCheckBox

Property Value
bSquare True
Caption "Show Enemy Names"
CaptionWidth 0.9
ComponentJustification TXTA_Left
Hint ""
IniOption "@Internal"
OnLoadINI InternalOnLoadINI
WinHeight 0.04
WinLeft 0.05
WinTop 0.848594
WinWidth 0.378125


Class: XInterface.moCheckBox

Property Value
bSquare True
Caption "Show Personal Info"
CaptionWidth 0.9
ComponentJustification TXTA_Left
Hint ""
IniOption "@Internal"
OnLoadINI InternalOnLoadINI
WinHeight 0.04
WinLeft 0.05
WinTop 0.317343
WinWidth 0.378125


Class: XInterface.moCheckBox

Property Value
bSquare True
Caption "Show Portraits"
CaptionWidth 0.9
ComponentJustification TXTA_Left
Hint ""
IniOption "@Internal"
OnLoadINI InternalOnLoadINI
WinHeight 0.04
WinLeft 0.05
WinTop 0.723594
WinWidth 0.378125


Class: XInterface.moCheckBox

Property Value
bSquare True
Caption "Show Score"
CaptionWidth 0.9
ComponentJustification TXTA_Left
Hint ""
IniOption "@Internal"
OnLoadINI InternalOnLoadINI
WinHeight 0.04
WinLeft 0.05
WinTop 0.45276
WinWidth 0.378125


Class: XInterface.moCheckBox

Property Value
bSquare True
Caption "Show Weapon Bar"
CaptionWidth 0.9
ComponentJustification TXTA_Left
Hint ""
IniOption "@Internal"
OnLoadINI InternalOnLoadINI
WinHeight 0.04
WinLeft 0.05
WinTop 0.598593
WinWidth 0.378125


Class: XInterface.moCheckBox

Property Value
bSquare True
Caption "Show Weapon Info"
CaptionWidth 0.9
ComponentJustification TXTA_Left
Hint ""
IniOption "@Internal"
OnLoadINI InternalOnLoadINI
WinHeight 0.04
WinLeft 0.05
WinTop 0.181927
WinWidth 0.378125


Class: XInterface.moCheckBox

Property Value
bSquare True
Caption "Hide HUD"
CaptionWidth 0.9
ComponentJustification TXTA_Left
Hint "This option will toggle drawing of the HUD."
IniOption "@Internal"
OnLoadINI InternalOnLoadINI
WinHeight 0.04
WinLeft 0.379297
WinTop 0.043906
WinWidth 0.196875