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UE2 talk:Actor Class Hierarchy (UT2004)

From Unreal Wiki, The Unreal Engine Documentation Site
Revision as of 03:16, 15 January 2009 by Wormbo (Talk | contribs) (maybe special markup instead of dedicated pages?)

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Okies so I made this page instead of pulling the legacy ones through since those contain links to the legacy namespace and still function minus a few wiki script glitches here and there. Ive made some notes on the page in black bold, I do think a how to create a page would be a very useful basic procedure especially in relation to class pages since the engine ones are auto generated for the most part. Dunno how useful this would actually be, might be better off using categories and templates to create a class tree on the fly, makes me wish I knew my wikitext alittle better :p OlympusMons 12:34, 14 January 2009 (UTC)

IMHO there are still far too many (i.e. more than zero :P) Legacy links on that page. Also, this page seems unneccessarily redundant with the category system established through the class infobox templates.I'd really prefer if people knew how to use a tool like UnCodeX to browse the actual source code and only look up additional descriptions for the classes here. And I'd prefer an auto-generated version similar to the categoriy trees. (Click the [+] before subcategories on category pages! Oh btw, sign your comments with four '~' to auto-link your name and add the timestamp.) I guess I could try coming up with a modification of the <categorytree> tag for this and include it in the infobox template for classes so we don't need additional pages for this.
Basic procedures are really only for things people do when working with the Unreal Engine. —Wormbo 10:16, 15 January 2009 (UTC)