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UE3:DynamicAnchor (UT3)

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UT3 Object >> Actor >> NavigationPoint >> DynamicAnchor
This class in other games:

a dynamic anchor is a NavigationPoint temporarily added to the navigation network during gameplay, when the AI is trying to get on the network but there is no directly reachable NavigationPoint available. It tries to find something else that is reachable (for example, part of a ReachSpec) and places one of these there and connects it to the network. Doing it this way allows us to handle these situations without any special high-level code; as far as script is concerned, the AI is moving along a perfectly normal NavigationPoint connected to the network just like any other. DynamicAnchors handle destroying themselves and cleaning up any connections when they are no longer in use.



Type: Controller

current controller that's using us to navigate

Default values[edit]

Property Value
bCollideWhenPlacing False
bNoDelete False
bStatic False
CollisionType COLLIDE_CustomDefault



Class: Engine.ArrowComponent

Inherits from: NavigationPoint.Arrow

No new values.


Class: Engine.CylinderComponent

Inherits from: NavigationPoint.CollisionCylinder

No new values.


Class: Engine.PathRenderingComponent

Inherits from: NavigationPoint.PathRenderer

No new values.


Class: Engine.SpriteComponent

Inherits from: NavigationPoint.Sprite

No new values.


Class: Engine.SpriteComponent

Inherits from: NavigationPoint.Sprite2

No new values.