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UDK MDB >> MDB_ArrayFunc >> MDB_AF_Float (custom)


//	Class: MDB_AF_Float
//	Creation Date: 27/08/2009 02:54
//	Last Updated: 06/04/2010 23:56
//	Contributors: 00zX
//	Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported
//	http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/
//	http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/legalcode
class MDB_AF_Float extends MDB_ArrayFunc

`define DataType float 

// Used to generate random values between Min and Max.

// Key/Value Pair, Used to check for Duplicates within an Array.

// Key/Value Pair, used when sorting Arrays (depreciate?).



// Complex Type/Structures, used when rounding to Type.MaximumValue isnt desired.

//Utility functions

 * Creates an array filled with random variables.
 * @param	length		Number of elements to generate.
 * @return				A random array of generic Data.
 * Macro Usage:			Array = `RandArray(DataType, Length);
//static final function array<`DataType> RandArray(int length)

// Sorting Functions
//TODO: Assign a Max.Length to dynamic arrays that can be passed to sort (1000000) recursion error
//		Currently for insertion sort its (1500 entries Max)

 * Sorts an array by linear search/insertion into a new array.
 * @param	A			Array of elements (byte, int, float)
 * @return				New Sorted Array.
 * Macro Usage:			Array = `SortArray(DataType, Array);
//static final function array<`DataType> InsertionSort(array<`DataType> A)

 * Sorts an array by 
 * @Input	A			Array of elements (byte, int, float)
 * Macro Usage:			`CocktailSortArray(DataType, Array);
//static final function CocktailSort(out array<`DataType> A)

 * Sorts an array by 
 * @Input	A			Array of elements (byte, int, float)
 * Macro Usage:			`SelectionSortArray(DataType, Array);
//static final function SelectionSort(out array<`DataType> A)

// Shuffling Functions

 * Shuffles an Array switching between 2 different shuffle algorithms,
 * performing them until the desired amount of shuffles has been reached.
 * @param	A			Shuffled Array of elements (byte, int, float)
//static final function ReShuffle(out array<float> A, int length)

 * Shuffles an Array 
 * @param	A			Shuffled Array of elements (byte, int, float)
//static final function Shuffle(out array<`DataType> A)

 * Shuffles an Array 
 * @param	A			Shuffled Array of elements (byte, int, float)
//static final function ShuffleTwo(out array<`DataType> A)


 * Sorts an array by linear search/insertion into a new array.
 * @param	A			Array of elements (Can be any DataType)
 * @param	B			Array of elements (Can be any DataType)
 * @return				Array with all A elements at the top and B elements at the bottom.
 * Macro Usage:			Array = `MergeArray(DataType, InArrayA, InArrayB);
//static final function array<`DataType> Merge(array<`DataType> A, array<`DataType> B, optional bool bCheckforDups)

 * Sorts an array by linear search/insertion into a new array.
 * @param	A			Array of elements (Can be any DataType)
 * @param	atIdx		Index at which to split the array.
 * @input				Top Half of the Array.
 * @input				Bottom Half of the Array.
 * Macro Usage:			`SplitArray(DataType, InArray, Idx, OutArrayOne, OutArrayTwo)
//static final function SplitA(array<`DataType> A, int atIdx, out array<`DataType> oA, out array<`DataType> oB)

// Packet Functions

//static final function SplitToPak(array<`DataType> A, int PakSize, out array<Packet`DataType> pakA)

//static final function int FindPakIdx(`DataType A, array<Packet`DataType> pakA)
//static final function bool HasInPak(`DataType A, Packet`DataType pak, out int idx)

//Statistical functions

 * Finds the largest or smallest member of an array
 * @param	A		The array to search
 * @return			The value for the smallest or largest member
 * Macro Usage:		`MinInArray(DataType, Array)
 *					`MaxInArray(DataType, Array)
//static final function `DataType `{MinMax}InArray(array<`DataType> A, optional Range`DataType Limit)
`MinOrMaxInArray(Max , >)
`MinOrMaxInArray(Min , <)

 * Finds the largest and smallest member of an array
 * @param	A		The array to search
 * @input			The values (as a `Range) for the smallest or largest members
 * Macro Usage:		`MinMaxInArray(DataType, Array, Range(DataType))
//static final function MinMaxInArray(array<`DataType> A,out Range`DataType R, optional Range`DataType Limit)

 * Finds the largest or smallest member of an array
 * if there is more than one of these, we choose the first
 * @param	A		The array to search
 * @return			The index for the smallest or largest member
 * Macro Usage:		`MinIndexInArray(DataType, Array)
 *					`MaxIndexInArray(DataType, Array)
//static final function int `{MinMax}IndexInArray(array<`DataType> A, optional Range`DataType Limit)
`define Index Index
`MinOrMaxInArray(Max , >)
`MinOrMaxInArray(Min , <)

 * Finds the largest and smallest member of an array
 * @param	A		The array to search
 * @input			The index for the smallest or largest members
 * Macro Usage:		`MinMaxInArray(DataType, Array)
//static final function MinMaxIndexInArray(array<`DataType> A,out int ojA, out int ojB, optional Range`DataType Limit)

 * Average: which is the Arithmetic Mean
 * @param	A		The array to search
 * @return			The Arithmetic Mean of all the members of the array
 * Macro Usage:		`AvgArray(DataType, Array)
 * and is calculated by adding a group of numbers and then dividing by the count of those numbers.
 * For example, the average of 2, 3, 3, 5, 7, and 10 is 30 divided by 6, which is 5.
//static final function `DataType AvgArray(array<`DataType> A, optional Limits L)
`define Arithmetic Arithmetic

 * Geometric Mean: Finds the magnitude of all values in the array
 * @param	A		The array to search
 * @return			The Geometric Mean of all the members of the array
 * Macro Usage:		`GeoMeanArray(DataType, Array)
//static final function `DataType GeoMeanArray(array<`DataType> A, optional Limits L)
`define Geometric Geometric

 * Median: which is the middle number of a group of numbers
 * @param	A		The array to search
 * @return			The Median of all the members of the array
 * Macro Usage:		`MedianArray(DataType, Array)
 * that is, half the numbers have values that are greater than the median,
 * and half the numbers have values that are less than the median.
 * For example, the median of 2, 3, 3, 5, 7, and 10 is 4.
//static final function `DataType MedianArray(array<`DataType> A, optional Range`DataType L)