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UE3:PBRuleNodeCorner (UDK)

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UDK Object >> PBRuleNodeBase >> PBRuleNodeCorner


Property group 'PBRuleNodeCorner'


Type: array<RBCornerAngleInfo>

Set of angles of corner angle, each corresponds to an output of this node


Type: bool

If TRUE, no space left or mesh added in concave corners.


Type: bool

If TRUE, look at face on the right to see how much gap to leave on right edge. If FALSE, just use CornerSize on left and right side Note, this only works when rulesets have the same corner size down the entire height - when looking at adjacent face, the top-left corner size is used.


Type: float

How far from start of curve mesh region to actually chamfer/round adjust roff poly corner


Type: float

Amount to split off left (and maybe right) of supplied scope, based on left/right edge angles

Default value: 256.0


Type: ProcBuilding.EPBCornerType

How to adjust the roof/floor poly to fit with this corner mesh


Type: float

Angle in degrees at which point surfaces are considered co-planar, and corner mesh is not added

Default value: 5.0


Type: float

Controls the curvature when using EPBC_Round- essentially 'pulls' the tangent handles further.

Default value: 1.0


Type: int

If CornerType is set to EPBC_Round, how many tesselation steps to take around the corner

Default value: 4



Modifiers: native

Struct containing info about each decision angle

float Angle 
Angle (in degrees)
float CornerSize 
If non-zero, overrides the base CornerSize for this particular angle

Default values:

Property Value
Angle 0.0
CornerSize 0.0